
Personal Narrative: Kyrin Gifts

Decent Essays

Well this Christmas I planned to buy you a gift but unfortunately, it was not in my budget. I could barely buy kyrin gifts. However, I decided to make you something instead. Well write you something. You know that lately we have not been on good terms. I am not sure if we are still together or not. I been trying to talk to you to get everything straight but we never talked about our issues. It is quite frustrating and upsetting. This week I really just want to give up on us. It seem like we never will be on the same page with boundaries in a relationship. However, this note is not about me pleading my case about what I want you to do it more about my feelings towards us. I guess...however, you sum it up. However, any who...I had a mindset of me …show more content…

Yeah sometime, I do feel like I am fighting alone. However, I somehow I always get a message from God to keep fighting. I believe we will make it to the end. We just need to be on one page and work with each other. I know I am super emotional. It because I been so solid with my emotions with others. However, when I am with you I am comfortable I get the chance to lose my shit without being judged (sometimes). There is somethings I do not like talking about because I feel like it will annoy you so I put it off. You might think I cannot control my emotions but you do not know this is the only time I can release my emotions. Do not think I am always upset about something you did when you see me cry. It other things that angers me...Things about myself...(I don't like talking out of anger I rather talk when I'm calm) I'm trying my best to keep you happy in this relationship and like told you before I will always love you no matter what. I know you love me also we bout do not express these feeling too well. (It is not just you). I am still fighting for our future together. YOU ARE MY BLACK

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