
Personal Narrative: Life Graph

Satisfactory Essays

Life Graph

2000: On December, 25, 2000 I was born, this is when I was introduced to the world and was the start of everything which I believe is really important.

2001: This was the year that I learned how to walk, which I believe is really important and should be important to everybody, because I walk every single day, and if that were to be removed from my life, I wouldn’t be the same person, and wouldn’t be doing a lot of things I enjoy for example basketball.I would not feel the same, and would be handicapped.

2003:This was the first time that I had been on a plane and I had gone on a trip to India, which I had met a lot of new people that are close to …show more content…

2007: This was the year in which I had gone to India for my second time, and this was more remembered because it was more recent, and I was 3 when I had first gone to India.This trip was great because I got to live in the house my dad lived in for his whole life which was cool, visiting places and exploring was also fun. But the main reason I had gone to India was to go to my uncle’s wedding, which was really important to me, because I am close with him, and he had lived with my family for over a decade, before moving out 2-3 years after getting married.

2008: This was the year that I had gone on a trip to Vancouver for the first time, and it was the first time I’ve been to another province.This trip had let me seen some of my cousins for the first time, and other family members.I still remember the time I had gone to Vancouver, and I wouldn’t mind going there …show more content…

Pearson and I am in the 11th grade.I have learned a lot throughout this year, more than any other year, and there’s a lot of valuable things I’ve learned this year, that I didn’t know before and I am happy with where life is taking me.

2018:Is the year I graduate from high school in which I had a really good time at, to pursue my dream and attend University.This is the year in which I really focus more on my school work, and is going to be important for my future, in order for me to live happy.

2022:Is the year I hope to graduate from University and go into the field that I would like to get in.Living a happy life and setting myself up for the future.

2028:Is the year I would like to get married and have a person in my life to raise a family with. I would like to have a healthy, beneficial relationship.Getting kids and to set them up for the future.

2030:The year that there is complications in the marriage and a lot of disagreements, which leads to arguing, but are fixed later on.The year that I become stressed out even more.Is also the year that I have my first child which is really important to me for the rest of my

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