
Personal Narrative: Life In The Car

Decent Essays

I turned up the volume in my headphones as my sister, Amelia’s annoying voice sang louder as one of her favorites, but otherwise a terrible song began to play on the car radio. All I could think was just how much longer I would have to be in the car with her, I was ready to get out and stretch anyway, we’ve been in the car for nearly 3 hours. I knew that I would have to suck it up and deal with it until we got there, until then I would just have to keep quiet, saying something would only encourage her to sing louder. I started dazing out of the window thinking about our destination, we were headed to my great grandfather's house to try and clear out all of his belongings in order to sell the house after his recent death. His death didn’t affect …show more content…

We stayed in a room on the second floor which had two queen beds, one I quickly claimed and began to doze off again despite sleeping on the ride up in the car.
I was abruptly reminded of early school days when an alarm went off which told everyone to pack up and leave because we were going to be driving another 5 hours to the now abandoned ranch that my great grandfather once owned. It was summer now even though it was colder than it would have been at home in Santa Cruz in the high elevation. We got in the car to find that the windows had frosted over during the night, we resorted to using my parents credit cards to scrape off the frozen water. We pulled out of the hotel parking lot the and continued on our journey North to the place my mom knew like no one else did. As we drove I wondered what it would be like there, according to my mom he spent his life time savings to buy a horse ranch, would it be a giant property with a mansion that should have belonged to a pro athlete, or a rundown house with overgrown gardens and thick woods surrounding it. When we got there I found out that option number two was spot on in that everything was overgrown and untamed. The house was a antique white with modern windows and on other features such as the chimney which was made of clean stainless steel metal. The house was …show more content…

I say unnecessary because do you know how many toys, stuffed animals, and other dumb things like that my sister brings with us, I don’t understand why she does it, she only plays with a few of the many items. But she was the favorite child, the baby, the spoiled brat that got all the attention, so she was allowed to take all of this stuff, even after being told “pack lightly, there's not enough room in the car for extras”. Maybe the difference between me and her was that I took their orders to seriously and could have packed a little more than the bare minimum. When I finished unpacking I ate a sandwich that my mom had made, which went down much better than the hotels rubbery breakfast sausages. My dad, the over planner that he was stated that we would have to get to work on clearing the house immediately after eating in order to finish in time for the open house two weeks from now. When I finished I went outside hoping no one would notice and I could get out of doing the work that I knew would have to been done to get top dollar out of the place. My mom called me out on my laziness, “get back in here, this place will never be finished without everyone's help”. I slumped through the door and stood in front of my mom and asked “where? Where do I start in

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