Loving Baseball.
Baseball is my passion,baseball is life. I can't life without baseball. I absolutely love playing baseball.Everyday I practice with my dad he teaches me everything that I need to know about baseball. I started baseball when I was in 4 years old. First I wasn't good at it, I wanted to give up. But my dad told me to never give up in your life or you won't be a successful person you are going to give up if you don't try. I never gave up once again. I started baseball again. Days, months, years past I was getting better and better by practicing with my dad . I was filling I was a good baseball player. I felt I was a champion.
I hitted very good hits. I was a good at pitching, first baseman but I loved playing third baseman I
I was walking off of the field with my teammates after two blowouts. In Steamboat on the second day. All of us were so excited to get to the pool and have some fun! Me and my baseball teammate that I was staying with meet each other there. We hurried downstairs put on our swimsuits and before you can blink we were in the water. When everybody was in the pool and before you knew it we were playing 500 with the football. After we did that for a couple of hours we went to got to the hot tub and that's when everything went bad. We had our older teammates brother which was 16. We saw some other kids in the hot tub. Then we went in and then Kelin the 16 year old said,” What are you guys here for?”
I began when I was 4, but did not start playing competitively until I was 10. As the years went on, I became a distinguished athlete. I started to travel across the United States for softball, and even had the opportunity to play on the number one team in northern California.
As my Varsity baseball team suits up for practice we whip out our “Easton Mako Bats” and our “Evo-Shield arm sleeves.” Everyone prepares for the season as we break in our new 200-dollar gloves. As I Un-zip my “Demarani Bat Bag” I search for the stick of eye black that seems to add spice to my game as I smother it under my eye, to “reflect the sun” of course. Our accessories become a part of our game, and we begin to value them more than the game itself.
Baseball has been so much more than just a passion and sport for me. It has taught me life lessons and given me the determination to succeed in whatever I do in
We were in the streets of the neighborhood, Ann Elizabeth to be exact. We had just began to play a game of baseball with my brothers new metal bat. Mom had already left for work and my dad was getting ready to leave as well. He was running sort of late. My brother and I were about to start the game, we check around us to make sure no one was near us to play a safe game. We saw our little sister and brother at the front doors neighbor's house playing with their daughter last time we checked. As my brother threw the baseball, I was getting ready to swing then bam! Before I knew it the bat had already crashed into my little brother's head. Let me remind you that this was a metal bat. A metal bat had ran cross my little brother's head. I was so terrified. My little brother was only 4 at that time. I did not know what to do. I held him in my arms. He was still conscious. I was holding my hand over his open wound. He bled a lot. My other brother had ran to let my dad know. My dad came rushing outside,
And that ended in a strikeout. I banged the bat on the ground and then I walked into the dugout and soutdown. The our assistant coach talked to me and told me to relax see the ball and swing nicely. Then I got my glove and went to shortstop but that whole enning no balls came to me and the other team hit a homerun with a guy on second
Playing baseball has been my passion for my whole life. It all started with my father influencing the game to me when I was 6 due to a family tradition of playing baseball. Baseball brought a different life to my dad, as my dad grew up in a very poor and dangerous neighborhood where he was exposed to gangs,drugs,shootings and even killings. Everyday was a hustle for him having to constantly look behind his back. As my father was in a family of 7, being the second youngest of the 7.
As I became older, I began to understand and play the game better with discipline and joy. Simply as to stealing bases to celebrating a homerun. It all required vision and confidence in my opinion. My best year was in little league, playing with the best players any little leaguer could have. My nickname in baseball is "lil Roy" which is the name of a senior who played before
A place can be any position or point with space around. A corner, a site on the internet, McDonalds, or even if you’re lost in the woods you're still in a place because of the space that’s around. A place such as The Mexican Restaurant, where my parents go on special occasions or when I talked to a friend at The Baseball field about certain point of every aspect of the game we play, or even when My family was so traumatized when our dad went out onto the ocean when the waves we crashing in. He tells us he’ll be fine so he heads out on the sand and starts walking the opposite direction of us, the waves came in and crashed into the feet of the cliff. We thought he was gone but he came back and said the waves almost got him but he found a crack
lukas k//After school I hung around with my friends until baseball practice at 4:30. until baseball practice. At baseball practice we practice and fielding and hitting.after baseball practice me and my friend Max walked back to his house, after baseball practice me and my friend Max Walked back to his house, because it's only five blocks away.we hung out and rode bike for a couple hours until my dad pick me up. When my dad picked me up, he informed me that I could babysit. my dad picked me up, he informed me that I could babysit. After thinking about it, I said “yes”. He brought me to McDonald's, then to Shanes. The person I babysit for. After babysitting until 330. I went home, took a shower and went to bed. The next morning I got up at
Until I became a high schooler my dream was to grow up always playing softball. Softball was my all time favorite sport to play. My dream was to be a softball athlete my entire life. When I was younger I started playing as a little kid and I grew up playing until my sophomore year in high school. I played on and traveling team and started on the high school team practicing and playing with all my closest friends. I played for DeWitt and Maquoketa and I had fun both way. I always tried to stay active in it.
My coach was always changing my position and I could play anywhere on the field. Eventually, I end up being the pitcher for my first time. When I started going, pitch after pitch, everyone out there at the baseball field, and in the stands, realized how good I was, and I actually threw a no hitter for 3 innings straight. Nobody, not even me, thought I could do that good. From that moment on, I began pitching all throughout my baseball career, and I still pitch for whatever baseball team I’m on to this
My two closest friends in the baseball community have known about a struggle I've had for some time now. I've been wondering for sometime now, what would life be like without baseball. So, baseball and I are ending our 25 year relationship so I can spend more time with my daughter and traveling a lot more. I was blessed to coach Chris Tomkins, Mitchell David Crimmins, Brady Breitbach, John Thill, Jeremy Vaassen, Brett Bortscheller, Dan Millius, and Nickolas Kutsch for their entire high school career and wanted to go along an incredible ride with them. When they were sophomores we set a goal to make it to the state tournament when they played varsity. Not only did we make it to state, but we started off the season 19-0, ranked number 1 the
High school baseball season does not start until the spring unlike middle school, so I had awhile to wait. I passed the time until the spring by playing football and basketball which I did very well in both, anyways spring baseball came and went and I started to put myself on the radar of the varsity baseball coaches, the next year I was one of two sophomores to play on the varsity baseball team. I really established myself as the future of our pitching staff and I had a very good year finishing with an earned run average per seven innings under
Since I can remember, I was in love with game of baseball. I believe that when I was a kid, baseball taught me how to be passionate. I remember always impatiently waiting to play catch with my Dad or play wiffleball with my brother. I believe baseball has taught me more than just passion but it has also taught me a number of life lessons and has also shaped who I am as a person today.