
Personal Narrative: Lung Cancer

Decent Essays

Growing up, I was introduced to death and funerals. I understood what was happening, but I never knew what was going on. I would ask the questions, “Are they coming back?” or, “ Do they even get a second chance of life?”
When I was about 5 or 6 years-old, I lost one of my grandmothers to Lung Cancer. She was my best friend; we were always together no matter what. I remembered when she passed away. Everyone cried but me. They said that she was my angel and would always be with me. I believed them, but I also knew that it would finally grow on me, and I would have to realize that she was buried and never coming back.
At this point, I finally cried one day when I was with her family. They knew how I felt about her and how much I loved her.

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