
Personal Narrative: Moving To A New City

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Moving out of your comfort zone is difficult. When being used to certain people and certain things, then having to get up one day and all is changed is challenging. A new city means one will have to adapt to the way things are around the community. In my ninth grade year of high school, I moved to Vicksburg, Mississippi. Moving to a new town or city is hard. It is a good experience, but it is also a dreadful one for some. Moving back to Vicksburg, Mississippi has affected me in various ways. One way it has affected me is I had no choice but to meet new people. Meeting new people sometimes means new friends. I had lived in Vicksburg when I was young, but it was different this time now that I was older. Although already having multiple …show more content…

Trying to keep up with my previous friends and hanging out with my brand-new ones was tough for me. I had to join clubs to improve my social life and the JROTC drill team. I gained majority of my new friends through NJROTC. Additionally, it had affected me because I did not know anybody. It took time for me to meet people. I had to trust my instincts and make new friends. Because of not talking to anyone, I felt lonely the first couple of months I was here. It was hard to meet people because you do not know their intentions when talking to them. Therefore, I was force to always keep a guard up. I did not meet my close friends that I have now, until the completion of my sophomore year. Finally, moving to Vicksburg made me depressed the first couple of months. My first day of Warren Central High school was tough. When I got home, I cried to my mother. I was depressed because I did not know any one at the school. I had missed my old school and friends. Walking the halls all alone was depressing. Unfortunately, my grades were not as high as I was used to them being. As a result of this, I had to get used to my teachers and how they taught. I also started going to their tutoring sessions. Living in a new city or

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