
Personal Narrative: My Acceptance To Phillips Exeter Academy

Decent Essays

Since my acceptance to Phillips Exeter Academy’s Class of 2018 as a new lower, I always looked forward to giving back to my community in every way possible. Before even stepping foot in New Hampshire, I fondly remembered my father’s own stories of tour guiding when he attended Exeter in the 80s—I hoped to make him and myself proud, and knew then which activity I wanted to pursue here on campus. On club night, I signed up for the emailing list as soon as possible, but I’ll be honest: I was initially hesitant. Touring a family across campus was an incredibly responsibility, and even talking in front of a group seemed to frighten me at first. As an Exonian, however, I couldn’t shy away—I felt a strong obligation to face my fears head on, and when the opportunity presented itself, I went to Bissell House to give my first tour. Admittedly, that first ‘go’ wasn’t perfect, scattered throughout with awkward pauses and questions I didn’t yet know how to answer. But when I arrived back at Bissell, I wasn’t fazed; I couldn’t just step down and give up this endeavor. I didn’t and couldn’t let myself end my career as a Phillips Exeter tour guide; I would be driven to improve my skills as a guide and speaker for the next year. In my spring term, I began to take …show more content…

On campus, I have been involved in training new students while leading practice tours, writing for the Big Red Bloggers admissions website, and hosting (as well as assisting) during the Experience Exeter revisit week. Even back home in the midwest, some of my favorite highlights during breaks have been serving on panels for prospective student gatherings and meeting admitted students during end of summer parties. In addition to the welcoming atmosphere of other Exonians (and good food!), I have always enjoyed off campus gatherings for the opportunity to meet future classmates and address their questions and

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