
Personal Narrative: My Activism

Decent Essays

The other day, I tried to share an article, on a social justice issue, with my close friend [white, cisgendered female], but before I could start reading, she responded with “Ugh, don’t read that. I’m not in the mood for anything depressing,” all the while rolling her eyes. This is both a note directed at *your* privilege and an acknowledgment of my own. “Wave of Islamophobia Catches Sikh American Community,” “Hate Crime ––Black UAlbany students harassed, assaulted on CDTA Bus,” “Black trans woman killed by police,” ––these aren’t just headlines I easily share to keep *you* updated, or because I’m a youth activist and that’s “what the sort of thing activists do.” No. If *you* think this, *you* are privileged. My activism is not something “I just do.” My activism is a political act for my own survival and for the survival of the people and for the survival of the people I love and care about. That also includes *you*. What *you* call “depressing,” keeps me up at night, and it keeps me fighting through the day, school or not. …show more content…

It’s inherently violent to me, to both the person I am and the body I inhabit. “Wave of Islamophobia Catches Sikh American Community” is a painful re-acknowledgment that my brown body, my identity as a Sikh woman is something already slandered and feared and hypersexualized in the public sphere. For me, that article isn’t just another “share.” Understanding the implications of that article is inherently violent to me and the people I love –– my community, my culture, my people. And “Black trans woman killed by police” –– she’s not just another name. She is real, and she is marginalized by our society and for that, she was erased. That article is not just another “share.” Again, understanding the implication of that article is violent to me and to the people I

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