
Personal Narrative: My Band Journey

Decent Essays

Once you spend a lot of time with friends, there comes a point where they are no longer just your friends. They’re your family. I have spent years in the Marching Band Color Guard, girls have come and gone, but our team was always strong. My second year on the team we got the chance of a lifetime. We got the opportunity to march in the Rose Bowl Parade in Pasadena, California. With this opportunity at hand, many extra practices added to our schedule. We practiced every Saturday from 9 in the morning to 9 at night. We were practicing in freezing cold weather, spinning and dancing, freezing our hands off in order to get good.
It got to the point where almost everyone in the band was tired of practicing. When it started to snow we had to go inside the school; practicing in the hallways, trying to make the best of the situation. The majority of the band had gotten sick and our motivation was almost lost. If it weren’t for the band directors pushing us on, no one would have continued trying. However, we kept pushing. When the day came when were to leave, I woke up at five in the morning in order to get to …show more content…

I’ve never been to California before, but at that point I knew it was going to be a great trip. The next few days were very eventful, filled with sightseeing, shopping, bandfest, the pier, Disneyland, along with other experiences we’ll never forget. The whole time it was like a vacation with my best friends, sharing experiences we will remember forever. Next thing we knew it was New Year's Eve, the day before the parade. The chaperones were gracious enough to throw us a party at the hotel, to celebrate the new year. However for the guard, the party was evanescent. As soon as the countdown was over we all headed up to our rooms to get ready for bed. We had to wake up and be downstairs in the lobby at three in the morning; hair done and ready to do makeup so then we could leave the hotel by

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