
Personal Narrative: My Collaboration

Satisfactory Essays

Collaboration Throughout the course of our lives, we must collaborate with people who may have completely different upbringings and have vastly different belief systems than what we may hold ourselves. One scenario in my life in which I had to collaborate with someone different than me was when I had to work with an overly aggressive football player who was a year younger. He started on the freshmen team but soon became the starting quarterback of the varsity team when he was a sophomore. I was on the JV team and was the backup quarterback both my junior and sophomore year. We came from different social groups, and I worried that we would not get along on or off of the field. My initial feelings were that he and I were going to hate each other for the next three years we would have to spend together. It was three years because I was one …show more content…

Over the course of the summer when everything happened, Deion and I were on opposite sides of the discussion, when the season began, Deion started on the Freshman football team while I was the backup on JV. The season was going well until the starting JV quarterback was hurt and Deion was called up to JV joining me on the JV team. Deion quickly became the starter on JV as a freshman, passing me almost as soon as he showed up. Because we would have to work together now, we sat down and talked. We both knew that our feelings of animosity towards each other might result in the team tearing itself apart on the basis of who should be the starting quarterback. It came to our attention that we needed to at the least be somewhat amicable to each other, given that we were on the same team and playing the same position. So Deion began his reign as the starting JV

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