
Personal Narrative: My Experiences In Higher Education

Decent Essays

I have been accepted into Baruch College School of Public Affairs Master of Science in Higher Education Administration (MSEd-HEA) program. After my acceptance I was looking for opportunities to gain more experiences in Higher Education Administration. My goal was to find a summer internship that allow me to work with a had a diverse student population in Higher Education. Luckily, I was able to receive a summer internship with Chris Aviles a Student Services Specialist that coordinates and recruits scholarship for undocumented students at Hunter College. Along with the coordination and recruitment of scholarships Aviles organizes programs that provides academic and social/emotional support that many undocumented students need throughout college. …show more content…

Concerns related to finances, fear of deportation, psychological stress and a sense of isolation weigh heavily on undocumented students. Furthermore, a lack of federal guidelines for Higher Educations allows the rules to vary in each state creating more challenges for undocumented students. (Diaz-Strong, Gomez, Luna-Duarte, & Meiners, 2010, p.30) As a result some states such as Arizona, Colorado, Georgia and North Carolina require undocumented students to pay out of states tuitions. In additions to this disadvantage other states such as Alabama and South Carolina forbid that undocumented individuals attend community college. (Diaz-Strong, Gomez, Luna-Duarte, & Meiners, 2010, p.30) California, Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wisconsin are the only states as of 2009 to have policies that allow undocumented children to qualify for in-state tuition if they attended and graduate from an in-state high …show more content…

DACA provides undocumented individuals the opportunity to legally work in the United States. This is beneficial to undocumented individuals especially those pursing Higher Education because it allows them to make money they can possibly use to cover there tuitions expenses. DACA is very similar to The Development Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act, which has not yet to be passed. The DREAM Act legislation “would provide undocumented students who arrived in the United States before the age of sixteen, have lived in this country for at least five years, and are of "good moral character" temporary residency for six years, during which time they must obtain at least an associate's degree or complete two years of military service.” (Diaz-Strong, Gomez, Luna-Duarte, & Meiners, 2010, p.30) Once completion of the requirements they would be eligible for citizenship.
The working permit DACA allows permission to immigrants to be in the United States but does not consider these individuals citizen therefore still deny undocumented students federal aid for college. This policy is a short-term benefit that could be discontinued and lead to deportation. Another major disadvantage about this short-term benefit policy is the age and resided qualification.

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