
Personal Narrative: My First Day Of Middle School

Decent Essays

As I walk into the big, old, brick building that I would be spending the next three years of my life at, I wanted to turn around and run back in my mom’s shiny, new, and grey car. I had been dreading this day for months and now that it was here, I didn’t know how to react. Going to a new school can be hard, but there is always someone or something that will help you get through this tough time. “Beep! Beep! Beep!” That was the horrible, terrifying sound of my alarm clock at six in the morning on August 20, 2014 which put an awful start to my day. I had been nervous wreck all week for my first day of middle school, I didn’t want to leave the wonderful Clear Creek Elementary. As I get myself ready that morning I constantly look at the …show more content…

Once I got in the car to leave for school I quietly whispered to myself, “I am going to have to face my fear of going to middle school at some point, and I guess that time is now”. During that first day of school, I went to each class hoping there would be one of my friends in that class. Apparently, I wasn’t that lucky because I only had gym class with a friend and all of the other classes I was alone. Each bright and early morning I did not want to go back, and I hated the fact that I had to get up at six, so much that some mornings I didn’t get up until seven thirty. Every night I would be so upset about school, I always felt like there was a lump in my throat and I started to not eat as much as I used to. Nothing made me feel better about school until one day during fourth hour. In sixth grade my fourth hour was art. In art, we didn’t start drawing until about the middle of the cold and dry September. One day when I was working on a drawing in Art, and I suddenly realized that I hadn’t been sad about school when I had been drawing. Leaving school that day I felt as if I was the king of the world, I wasn’t scared one bit to go back to school the next day because I knew if I started to get nervous, I could just pull out a piece of paper and start

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