Our first group was on October 24, 2016. Amie, Amanda and I arrived early to meet with Melanie and set-up for our first group. Melanie asked us which room we preferred. I pointed out that the kitchen was less noisy then the room next to the tv room. We were able to utilize a white board and requested dry erase markers. Previously, we all decided which roles we would choose for today. I chose being the facilitator and brought six pictures. Amanda was the echoer and Amie the recorder. We set up two tables together with chairs all around and the white board in front. We waited for our members to be brought by the Event Coordinator. She brought one member to us at a time, each time introducing us to them. Our group members consisted of Bill,
Provide a brief description of each of the meetings (how many people, set up of room, who was in charge, did everyone talk, how was meeting run, was it educational or support?)
My PIF group this time considered of Kelly Ma, Emily Lin, Virgina Mac, Aaron Bautista and I, Natalie Pham. The PAC leaders of my group were Sabina Li, David Tran and John Young. Our PIF took place on the Sunday’s night of November 8, 2015 at David’s apartment. It officially started around 10 pm since some of us have either a fellowship or other event before the meeting. When we got to the apartment, there was another PIF happening, so we when outside for a while and just exchange conversation with each other. Our plan for the PIF was to have some bonding time and to play games. Before the actual event took place, David and Sabina went to In-N-Out and offered to buy us food and Aaron really wanted fries. David initially forgot Aaron’s fries but since he ordered extra fries, everything was fine. All of us were surprised when we saw Aaron that day because he got his ears pierced and his eyebrows done. This created a conversation about how most of us also want another ear piercing but we were too scared to get it alone. Emily really wanted a three-lobes piercing but her parents would not allow her to get it.
My current job is an ABA therapist for the school district. Last week, one of the children on my case load was having a lot of behavior issues in the classroom. In order to help shape his behaviors, a collaboration took place. The classroom teacher, the lead therapist, the autism specialist, another line therapist and myself brainstormed possible strategies to put in place. We all had to observe the behaviors and try to determine the antecedent. From there, we sat down as a team to decide what behaviors we wanted to target first and what strategies we would use. We have all begun to put the strategies into place and we are seeing significant improvement in some of the behaviors. We have all taken turns in dealing
I remember a time when I had to collaborate with a group of co-workers. It was a group of six, as a group we needed to come up with “Helping Our Mortgage Customers Save Their Home”. We as a group had to develop different ways to assist customers in saving their home, even if that meant discussing ways to let the home go for sale. We as a team developed an identical objective by learning from each other, sharing ideas, and knowledge. However, we shared ideas on the steps to modify your home, and the various options that are available to each homeowner. We collaborated on government plans that were also available. In order for the collaboration to work, we as a team had to work together to schedule meeting
We human beings are all works of art. Every experience that we have is a new stroke of paint to our canvas. The things that influence us do the same. I am not a completed work of art, but I can show my progress of what makes me. I am influenced by the media, my teachers, and the neighborhoods I lived in. Now here is the showing of my work.
Now that I have a girlfriend her parents, and my parents know, her parents also now know that i’m a militia leader. With them knowing that they figure I can keep her safe, so I guess her parents like me.
During this collaborative unit and programming planning I found having a partner to be very beneficial. Coordinating times to talk and text was key to this project due to me and my partner living out of town and working full time as teachers, but we have learned a great deal from this project. Two heads are better than one due to us being able to bounce ideas off of one another that sparked so many wonderful ideas. At times we found ourselves getting ahead of ourselves but had one another to help refocus us on our state standards for our target grade level. By working as a team I knew that we were both invested in these lessons and had the same goal in mind therefore knew that the time spent creating these lessons was going to be effectively
I still remembered that when we directed for the first meeting everyone was very enthusiastic and really keened to do it sooner. It was a successful meeting. Unfortunately, I had to let my friend knew that I would be late for fifteen minutes. It was reasonable
One of the most memorable experiences of collaboration for me was when I was working on a statistics group project in which we had to gather data for. However, obtaining the data for our project turned out to be a much larger obstacle than we had initially anticipated. When it got to the night before we had to present our findings to the class, we still had only just a couple of data points, and as a result, an inconclusive analysis of the trends shown by our data. Frustrated and stressing out, I was at a loss for what to do and sympathized deeply with those phone survey callers dialing your home phone to collect data only to be hung up on. After a long hour of deliberation and an existential life crisis, I finally approached my group in a
Next , after I wanted for my division to be called I was out in the area with a lot of really good looking hogs and in my head I was freaking out. So the first and second places people out of the three classes, all the first place winners go out and that was me. With the hog not walking again, I still got picked for grand in my division. I think I was the most surprised, but what can i say i amd going back out in a minute. When my dad met me at the fence he told I had a good chance. So there I was freaking out again and excited about what I could get.
I believe that I would contribute to the groups program due to my background of a low income family and being a first generation college student. I grew up not having much of anything and most of the time just wondering where my next meal will come from. Although over the years my situation has improved my mom is still in no position to be able to even begin to afford college. My dad not even being in the equation will not be helping her to pay my college debt at all. Due to these factors I had little hope I would ever be able to attend IU, until my councilor John Livingston (groups 96’) recommended the groups program to me. This lead me to the realization maybe IU was a possibility despite my income and being a first generation college student.
Within my group the ability to collaborate with each other was great; something that neither of us expected. However, even though we could work together that does not mean we did not encounter any challenges. The challenges we encountered was the ability to arrange a time where we could all work together due to the busy schedules we have. Although it took us a while to figure out what time worked out for all of us, the problem was eventually solved to where it was beneficial for all group members.
“Ok,we will see who wins next week, if you guys think you guys are goody tissues then we will see who wins”
In my own past experience working in groups truly helps your communication skills. At the start of military basic training, I had to work in a group twenty four seven. In other words working with nearly forty new fresh faces I've never met! Since we were now all living buddies daily task had to be done together in order to have the days run smoothly. By communicating everyday we learned each other's names, what made people tick and what we could do better to have our experience run smoothly. The bonds that i made will forever be with me, I could of never got to the place i am today without my flight. They encouraged me to go above and beyond showing me a person i did know i was.... Whenever my flight had problems the " form chief " the oldest
themselves in the meeting area with their groups, and I gave each group a basket of resources.