
Personal Narrative: My Grocery Car

Decent Essays

So it’s summer, so my parents and I went to grocery store together to get a hot wheels car and groceries. My dad gave me a ramp for christmas so I wanted to put the car on it. I looked at the car and how the color was gold/silver. We drove back home and my dad said happily, “That”s cool car for your collection!” “Yea it’s pretty cool.” I mentioned. My brother Junior is probably going to be so jealous I thought to myself. After the drive, I saw Junior and he helped us out with the groceries and then we went inside the house. I remembered that I forgot my little car in the car so I went back to the car. It wasn’t there, where was it at! “Hey dad do you know where my hot wheels car is!” I said worriedly. “No I don’t know where it is, check

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