
Personal Narrative: My Growing Up In Iraq

Decent Essays

Anas Alani

Growing up in Iraq, I endured my homeland’s journey through a difficult period in its history. No one was unaffected: civilians’ lives were disrupted by years of wars and detrimental economic sanctions, but amid the destruction, I saw the good in my community. I witnessed a massive humanitarian effort led by healthcare professionals, as physicians worked to meet the medical needs in my town. My dreams were shaped by this exposure, and ever since, I’ve hoped to join these doctors in their efforts.

I worked hard during high school, and my commitment and ambition took me to Al-Nahrain University/College of Medicine, the best university in Iraq. Medical school brought its own challenges, while I finished course work as my country suffered from a horrendous war. My focus, though, was solid, and my vision endured the tumult. As I accumulated basic scientific knowledge, I also developed special interests. During clinical rotations, it became clear that I was most …show more content…

My poster related to an increased number of coronary calcified lesions and its relation to mortality was a winner at the American College of Physician meeting in Washington D.C. Moreover, I am involved in different stages of research projects and multi-center trials, such as the testosterone study that evaluates the effect of testosterone on atherosclerosis. We used advanced qualitative software and new techniques to assess the plaque volume and type changes on serial CT images. I have also authored or co-authored journal articles: my work on peripartum cardiomyopathy and implantable cardioverter defibrillator was published in the Journal of American College of Cardiology, and my research on new cardiac CT improved accuracy was published in Clinical Cardiology

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