During the end of my junior year of high school, my english teacher told us about an internship with the Constitutional Rights Foundation. I thought it was interesting and I wanted to experience the “real world”. I gathered my friends and discussed it with them and we all decided that we would apply for the internship. To participate for the internship, one would to be approved, then they would have to go through an interview and if the interviewer approved then you would be participate in the first part of the internship. Finally, the foundation sends you a location and you interview there and if they approved then you would officially be part of the program. Although many of my friends applied for the internship program, I was the only one
My personal faith grows daily by my choice to follow my love and savior, Jesus, every day I wake up. It was by no accident that God showed me Liberty University, and has now become a top option in my choices of colleges. I believe in the deep mission Liberty University has to develop Christ-centered believers because it is the same mission I strive to live out daily in my walk as a follower of Christ. My season of life will not always be the same as someone else's, but I pray that what I have walked through and what God taught me in those seasons can give perspective to others. I have grown up always knowing God but not until my sophomore year in high school did I truly start to live that out. I took two opportunities in the past two years
My core beliefs were molded through education and experiences but are grounded in God's word. When I read the core values of Liberty University they aligned with mine. I believe in the Trinity and I know the world is a sinful place and so are the people who live in it, "yes this includes me". Understanding this, I am grateful that God is perfect and my judge who sent his only son to die for my sins so I can enter into heaven. Armed with this knowledge I know my purpose and calling until that day comes. See my calling in life was in law enforcement but my purpose on earth is to spread the gospel and this can be done in many areas of my life. Through my personal relationship with Jesus I will continue to love other and be the hands and
During my two last years of high school, i've been in contact with a lot of colleges and universities. Many of which don’t get my attention. Throughout my whole high school years, there was only one college that i wanted to go to, Liberty University. I have heard so many wonderful things about Liberty and what i loved the most was that it was a christian school. Liberty had the number one thing that i am looking for in a college, that is a christian school, but many of my other things that i look for in a college where just not there. I used to live in Florida approximately 11 years ago and let me tell you, it's hard not to miss the sunshine state. Liberty is in Virginia, a state where it doesn't feel like home. When i received a brochure
In high school, I had a very positive experience throughout, but perhaps the most memorable experience would come from my involvement with the FFA. I remember the Ag classes was unlike any other classes on campus because we would go to the school farm to learn from hands-on experiences. My teacher Mrs. Keverline would become more than just a teacher for me she would become a role model. Mrs. Keverline would help me improve with showing pigs as my SAE project, she teaches me about the importance of agriculture, and lastly, she helps made me into the public speaker that I am today. In FFA I had the opportunity to do public speaking competition or event and at the time I was scared to do them, but glad I did because it helps me out in the long.
When I think about what I could contribute to Florida A&M University based on the knowledge that I do have with your institution is that i’m a extremely committed student who has beliefs that you can do anything that you set your mind to. There may be some times when I may feel discouraged but why must if I feel like that if things aren’t easily handed to you. You must chase your dreams, and when you do that things will slowly fall into place (not exactly how you planned for it to be at times). I learned that through the many obstacles I had to experience to make me the well informed women I am today. The best activity, interest, experience, and achievement in my life was being a Big member of “Big brother, big sister”. Becoming a mentor for
National Honors Society is an amazing opportunity to be chosen for. By being accepted, it shows that the hard work that I have done in the classroom, and in the community have done well for not only the community but for myself as a person. Since I have started High-school, I have done many volunteer hours at my church. I have done many things such as help lead game-time for the little ones during a learning program called Awana. Awana is a program done by some churches to help raise children to love and serve God. I also help most Sundays in the sound room at church. I help to run the sound and the computer that displays the songs that we are doing that particular Sunday. I enjoy doing these things because seeing the children’s faces, enjoying
USF is a big place with a lot of new people to meet, however, the same can be said of my previous high school. The main difference here is that people are more free to be who ever they want to. What excites me is that there so much to learn of how the world works that I have yet to figure out and how USF is a such concentrated culmination of unique people each with different ideas. For example, I learned last week at USF that some people prefer to use the pronoun “they” instead of the conventional “he” or “she” when spoken of. Honestly, its really overwhelming how much I want to do and have to do to accomplish my goals but if I actually plan my time responsibly I do believe I have the ability to do it all. I have also made a few really smart
Im proud to have things that I have now,Without my generation there would be no freedom,without freedom our lives would be miserable and torn apart.Im glad our veterans fought for our country, they risked their lives for our country to stay in peace.If we didn't fight we would be controlled And be told what job to have ,how many kids we can have or they will tell us where we live.Veterans did anything they could to defeat our enemies,They never gave up ,they never stopped they kept on going until it was over.Im also glad that we have civil rights without civil rights people would still be held as slaves and they would still be getting beat by their owners.The biggest thing that i'm proud about is equal rights ,there should have never separated
It was a sunny day around 3:00 P.M. and we had just checked the mail, I received a letter stating that I had been chosen to participate in the 2015 Miss Teen Little Rock Pageant for a chance to receive a chance at a 30,000 scholarship, and if I won I would compete in Nationals in Orlando Florida. I was excited about the opportunity and was going to give it a shot even though I had always said, “I will never be in a pageant even if I was offered,” but I knew I would need the scholarship for college. The first meeting came around and we didn’t have the gas to go so I called the main office and they filled my in on what exactly I needed to do. I started filling out the paper work and went door to door and to businesses’ receiving sponsors I was
This summer was a busy one, let me tell ya! I was either riding the metro in Washington D.C., playing basketball and volleyball, or working with and showing my cattle! Even though it was a busy summer I still found some time to relax and have fun with friends! Summer is my favorite time of year!
Through the duration of this course some of my opinions on civic issues have changed and some have stayed the same. An opinion of mine that has changed is the number of flaws in our education system. This is an important civic issue because the education of young people is deciding the future of this world. This is politically significant because this generation will grow up to be a part of politics whether running for a role in the federal, provincial, or municipal parliamentary or simply voting in an election.
The summer of 2017, a couple months before my senior year, presented an opportunity that initiated with a wave of uncomfortableness. A few months prior to the last day of junior year, an energetic camp counselor advertised a summer business intensive called PFEW; Pennsylvania Free Enterprise Week. She pitched the idea that this summer camp would boost my college resume, provide plenty of chances to mingle with new students, and gain an insight into the business world. Without much of a thought, I completed an application form and crossed my fingers as I waited for an email of confirmation. Finally, my fate was sealed, an email popped up in my inbox that I was accepted into the first week of PFEW.
I'm turning 18 soon and I want to clarify my freedoms if I'm going to continue living with my parents. I'm afraid they'll continue to restrict me like they have for the past 17 years. If I'm living under their roof, are they allowed to tell me that I can't go out? Living there is a generosity, so legally, I don't think they can hold me from going out, but they could not let me back in (which they'd never do, but it's always possible). And for house rules, I completely understand taking out the trash, doing the dishes, but do they really have that much power over me that they can set a bed time. This may be a sit-down-and-talk-about-it-issue with my parents, but legally is this possible? And lastly, my dad said he would give me his old car which
After my internship with GDI this summer, I am keenly interested in continuing that work as an Associate. I would like to return to GDI because of two factors: the work environment and the team. GDI’s work environment enabled me to take on as much responsibility as I could handle, to follow my interests and develop my ideas, and to constantly improve my professional skills. Furthermore, GDI’s team dynamics allowed me to feel like a contributing member of the team. While the team supported my personal and professional development, I felt that, in return, I could give them input that was genuinely considered as well as deliverables that supported their work. Overall, my experience as a member
As a result, leftists, liberals and progressives would be wise to pick up the phone, send an email or otherwise reach out to each other. It's not that hard. I'm tired of hearing people say, "Well, that's the sort of work you do, not me. I'm a radical activist therefore I don't work with those capitulating liberals!" Or, from the other angle, "I'm a liberal activist, hence I'm not willing to work with those silly radicals!" This sort of self-righteous nonsense needs to stop. Again, I'm guilty of it, but I'm also willing to make changes, and have. If we hope to win, we all need to make some changes.