
Personal Narrative: My Journey To Washington State University

Decent Essays

I previously went to a private university in Chicago, soon after I knew my heart belonged to Washington State University. There was so many reasons why I choose to move across the country to go to WSU. The transition was hard: I had to leave my new friends, my new sorority, and an amazing city. But, Washington State University is the best fit for me because of the Ranking of the Nursing School, the cost, there is Beautiful Architecture, my boyfriend, a variety of clubs, and the location.

Ever since I was a sophomore in high school I knew I wanted to becoming a pediatric nurse. I came to this consensus because, I was hospitalized for almost a month in the pediatric unit and I loved interacting with the nurses. Therefore, choosing a university was not as hard as people that don’t know what they want to major in. My first quarter in college I went to DePaul University, and they claimed that they had nursing there. I soon found out that DePaul University has false advertisement and they really didn’t have nursing. Therefor, I knew I need to transfer out of DePaul and go to a school that truly does have nursing. Quickly, I began to search “best university for Nursing” and Washington State University was in the ranking. Two weeks after that, I switched to one of the best nursing schools in America. …show more content…

Plus, the coast of living was expensive too. Even though I am fortunate that I am not paying for my education I still try to be careful on how much school will coast my grandfather. Washington State University was almost having the coast of my old school in Chicago. Therefor, when you are looking for a school keep coast of tuition in your head as well the coast of living. Student often overlook the coast of room and board because, it is not included in there tuition

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