Growing up with high expectations my mind has always been set on the idea of college. However when thinking of the “right” college for my future, I never knew If I would be able to fully commit and choose which one was best for me. I wanted something that would be comfortable for me that also meets my criteria that would make the college transition a bit easier. Since I’m going into something new, my decision would end up being based on the class sizes, the costs being affordable, the majors and degrees available for Nursing, and the location and how close it is to my family. It was a hard decision however one school had it all, which is why I’ve decided to further this chapter of my life at West Texas A&M University. Coming from a small
Since starting the school year in August, my main goal is to become a more educated and well-rounded individual. After almost completing two full semesters here at Sam Houston State University I feel like I have taken steps to fulfill my goal. I know if I keep giving hundred percent towards my education I can achieve any goal I set before myself.
Why Tulane? There are plenty of obvious reasons for wanting to go to Tulane. For one thing it’s in New Orleans, and who doesn’t love New Orleans? I live on the North Shore. I could come home every, single weekend and I would never miss a holiday with my family. Groceries and laundry wouldn’t be a problem.
I served as an officer for our Campus Christian Club at Lone Star College-North Harris for 3 semesters and I remain a member of the group these last two semester. Prior to attending Lone Star College-North Harris I served as a cook, and fund raiser with the Home-school program affiliated with Lindale Assembly of God. I also cooked for our Wednesday night services, or any special event that was held at the church. I served under the instruction of Pastor Randy and Jana Meeks. I also aided in providing perishable and nonperishable goods to the pantry and for emergencies such as opening the church for those who were fleeing Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Prior to this I served Pastor John and Gladys Greiner in Glorious Way Church. I aided in the children’s
In the fall of 2005, I took my first steps onto the campus of Appalachian State University with my sister who was entering as a freshman. One of my most vivid memories from my childhood is walking hand in hand with my then eighteen year old, wide eyed, and prospective sister into the Watauga dorms. Afterwards, as we left down King Street, I distinctly remember gazing back towards the magnificent North Carolina mountains and yearning to stay. Even at the age of five, I knew that one day I would follow in her footsteps and become an Appalachian Mountaineer.
In my life, I have had to make made many difficult choices, each with their own consequences, but the most significant choice I made occurred three years ago; I decided to leave my home state of Maine, and enroll in Texas A&M University. This decision has had a major impact on my life, and continues to influence my life today for better and for worse. I've grown to be more independent, but as the same time my debt increases every semester.
I am currently enrolled in the Middle Level Grades 4-8 online teaching program and I feel comfortable with the online class format. Even though I am approaching my final semester with Stephen F. Austin State University, I do still feel nervous that I might miss an assignment or a due date. I find being disciplined and organized helps in my success with my online classes and the text and email reminders through D2L are extremely helpful in keeping up with due dates for assignments and quizzes. I also like receiving my grades quickly and that I am able to easily contact my professors and receive prompt responses. Utilizing the online program through SFA has made it more convenient for me to complete my bachelor’s degree while working and taking
I was born Bosnia-Herzegovina and I can fluently speak the language. Coming from this helps me understand tradition that much more. With that being said and how Fish Camp is, being apart of the program and tradition would be great. One of the best decision I had made when I came to Texas A&M was joining a Freshman Leadership Organization, more specifically FORME, Freshman Organizing and Running Mixed Events. Through my entire camp, they kept telling and emphasizing the importance of getting involved and it finally made sense after a month of being in FORME. The strong friendships and the amount of fun I have had throughout my first semester and start of second semester is almost unbelievable. I feel like it is important for me to lead the next
Hi, I am Anna Wysmierski, and I live in Farragut. I am originally from Elyria, Ohio, but my family moved here to Tennessee when I was eight years old. My summer was busy, but it was very fun. I spent the first half of my summer at East Tennessee State University participating in the Governor’s School for the Scientific Exploration of Tennessee Heritage and the second half going on college visits and doing summer swimming at Village Green. Regarding work, I worked a couple of lifeguard shifts at my neighborhood pool this summer. Next year, I plan on majoring in either math or actuary science at the college I end up attending. Honestly, I do not know much about personal finance, so most topics will be new and interesting for me to
I fully understand the reason for my suspension from North Central Texas College. At the time of classes, my grades were too low and did not show my strength as a student. I would like you/ the school to reconsider my enrollment for classes.
When I was a senior in high school my father had his second heart attack and had to have open heart surgery. Upon Graduation from High School in May 2016, I made the decision to move in with my Father who is a sixty-eight-year-old Disabled Vietnam Veteran with many health issues. During my Freshman year at Pearl River Community College, his health had declined and the doctors discovered that he had an aneurysm in his chest and blockages in his legs. Thankfully after his surgery was completed and he was able to come back home, I was to be on break so I could stay with him and help with whatever he needed. I am one of six children and have chosen to take care of him and live there in lieu of working outside of College. The two oldest of my
1. Trustworthy: My teammates have trusted me with getting the work done even when we have faced some significant challenges be it during my time as the head of a petrochemical import division or during my time at Texas A&M University. The relations I have forged with some of my class mates at Texas A&M go well beyond class work. They have come to trust me with and ask me for advice on personal issues as well. This has been one of my most significant achievements.
Everyone in my family has attended college and has done something with their lives and I plan on continuing the cycle. In the fall of 2017 I will be attending Sam Houston State University. My major will be kinesiology because sports has always been a part of my life and I couldn’t imagine myself going through life without doing something related to sports.
Time here at Bridgewater has flown by the past four years and it is crazy to think that in five short months I will be graduating. My time here at Bridgewater College has been the best four years of my life but also some of the most difficult. I never forget the memories I have made here through soccer, Cru, and all of my classes. Bridgewater has helped me get closer to achieving my goals of being a physical therapist and becoming a more well-rounded person. I have grown tremendously in my faith because of adversities in school and also through Cru. The Bridgewater community will always be one of my favorites because of the way you grow closer with so many students. I fell more prepared to face the real world and grad school because of how
After graduating high school I began taking classes at Austin Community College. Focusing more on my business and marketing classes, working as a manager at Ashley Furniture Homestore this allowed me to use what I was learning in the classroom and incorporate these skills into the work environment. Over my time at Austin Community College, the classes were becoming harder to fill many of my classes were dropped or the Dean of marketing substituting many of my courses for other courses. I became Frustrated with this process and decided to finish my certification in marketing and return to college at a later time. Following graduating Austin Community College I became sick and was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. This diagnosis had an enormous
The journey to becoming a student at Jones Technical Institute started a long time ago. I was academically expelled from Ball State University after my freshmen year. College was an undertaking I should have never tried simply because I was not mature enough to handle that kind of responsibility. It is not like I drank and partied all the time, I simply just did not go to class. For the rest of 2007, I was searching for work. I sent applications into every temporary agency in the City, and felt like I applied to every job opening there was, but sadly I never heard anything back. That failure to find a job led to one of the most exciting experiences of my life.