
Personal Narrative: My Life Changing Experience

Decent Essays

I was fifteen and in the fifth grade. I had been homeschooled until I was approximately thirteen years of age when we moved to a different house and stopped school altogether. When I was 10, my mother stopped teaching my brother and I through books and made us use computers to do all of our learning instead. I was not very happy with the change because it was much more difficult to learn without anyone to actually teach a lesson. We did our work on the computer and taught ourselves for a few months until we had some of our family move in with us. They were a bit of a distraction to my brother and I during the times that we were trying to do our work. My mother saw this and chose to put our education on hold until they had moved out that way, it wouldn't affect our grades anymore. …show more content…

After they left, mom forgot to start giving us our assignments again, therefore, we went another week without school. Schooling went on again for a few months until it was time for summer break. By that time, I was eleven years old and ready to start fifth grade. Once school started up, I was ready to start learning again. I soon lost my enthusiasm for learning due to the fact that I was unable to teach myself concepts that I didn't understand. I went through the school year only finishing the assignments that I knew how to do. Soon, I was unable to complete any assignment without my mother explaining the lessons to me and the times that she would help were far and few between because she was focused on getting her bachelor's degree while she was in her early 50s. Once she completed her bachelor's degree she had promised to help my brother and I more with our schooling but that turned into a lie. She decided to go after her masters degree that she never completed due to health problems and my brother and I did not get the help we were

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