Ever since I was younger I have always tried staying away from reading. The only person in my family that likes to read is my mom; however, she does not read often. Once she picks up a book, she cannot put it down. My dad on the other hand, never picks up a book. He and I are one in the same; we do not like reading because we have a hard time comprehending what we read. My brother also does not like to read. He does not like reading because he has a learning disability. My mom always had an extremely tough time getting him to read. Overall, my literacy experiences at home are few and far between. When I entered kindergarten my reading journey began. I was introduced to the alphabet and three-letter sight words. Then in first grade my teacher would sit down with a …show more content…
I spent a year in an elementary firth grade classroom and I learned the importance of reading. I watched as students that were in fifth grade chose accelerated reader books that were first and second grade levels and it broke my heart. I also examined students that were placed in tier two groups struggle to follow a reading passage that was below their grade level. It was at this point that I chose to make reading a priority in my future. There is a bible verse that I stumbled across that says “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6 King James Version). If I lead by example and teach my students to love reading, they eventually will. My new favorite hobby is to go to thrift stores and yard sales and locate children’s books. I want to collect as many books, for my future classroom, that consist of multiple reading levels and various genres. I also plan on reading each of the books that I find so, that I can first read what I am asking my students to read. While I still do not love reading, I am learning to love reading so that I can set an example for my future
I believe that my literacy past has affected the reader and writer I am today. There is a lot I can talk about that has has an effect on me being the reader and writer I am today. One being the country and environment I lived in as a kid. In Gambia teachers don’t take reading seriously as they should. We as nursery students, focused more on learning how to spell and doing the math and also writing. We weren’t giving much books to read, maybe one or two books the whole semester. And because of that, I wasn’t a fond reader. Regardless of us not given books to read, we were giving many writing exercises so that really helped. My family however thought that reading is very important and because of that, they bought my siblings and I lots of book
My literacy journey had begun earlier than most kids, according to my mother. I started reading in kindergarten, with help with the BOB books and the PBS show Between the Lions. I don’t know when I had started writing exactly, but I remember clearly writing short stories about my cat Stormy in 3rd grade. At that time we had to write weekly short stories, and I only ever wrote about my cat. In 4th grade, I had started exploring writing more; I would write plays for me and my friends to practice during recess. Most of them, I’m happy to say, were actually educational, so my teacher had even let my friends and I perform one about early-American settlers in front of our whole class.
English has never been my favorite class to take. I was more interested in math because there is one answer to a question and that is it. With English, everyone writes differently. Style is difficult to grade and there is not a yes or no answer to an essay.
My literacy narrative focused on an event, which changed my perspective towards reading. This event revolved around my life and later resulted in a better version of myself. It was about a competition for which I appeared during my freshman year in high school. There were some key points, which I noticed while working on my literacy narrative. Throughout my work, I enjoyed the ways of employing the five authentic skills that enriched my narrative with not just my words, but also with my emotions that are associated to it.
It’s crazy to think to myself that about this time last year I never would have thought I would be the person I am today. I have grown in many ways I thought were impossible, and gained experience that shaped me into who I am right now. One thing that stands out to me the most though, as I sit here in my dimly lighted room writing my literacy narrative, is that I have learned to not only enjoy fishing, but to love it. Being outdoors, hiking, fishing, etc., have never been something I have enjoyed, or ever been willing to learn. I always thought to myself, “why waste my time outside getting all sweaty when I could say inside with the AC and do my makeup?” but oh have things change, and ever since this summer, my love for fishing has grown into
I 've loved to read and write ever since I was taught my ABC 's for the first time. It 's been a huge part of my life in a lot of different aspects. I learned how to read when I was three years old because I went to a daycare where I was the youngest kid and the only one who couldn 't read. Reading and writing just stuck with me after that. After I started reading better than my older daycare-mates, school was ready for me to conquer. The school put me with older kids right away and I was in English class with 3rd graders when I was in kindergarten. It helped me out with making friends and I always got along with older kids better
Everything that we do requires words. Even when we think we create our memories out of words. One reason why we do not remember stuff when we are young is because we don’t have the words to put the information into to store it. Writing is very important because writing means everything, and if we didn 't have writing, we wouldn 't be able to spread ideas. The local and world news are in writing also so we need to be able to read the information. Also directions on how to use something or directions to go somewhere for transportation are also written in words. It is unimaginable how many roles writing plays in our lifestyles and we don’t even think about it.
Literacy impacts everyone’s lives in various ways. Such as, someone and their career, the ability to read literature in general, one’s comprehension of reading and writing, or the ability to write a book. Each person takes his or her own path with literacy and consequently are formed by the sponsors of literacy present in his or her life. Being new to the term or not, sponsors come in various forms and can be positive or negative to someone and his or her literacy. The sponsors of whom I am going highlight are my parents, The Sesame Street Show, and my elementary and middle school St. Mary’s all of whom have been positive sponsors to my literacy by setting high expectations and providing quality teaching, which still impacts my literacy today.
Since I was a child in elementary school I was always interested in the sciences. To me it never seemed to matter what type; it could be space science, biology, or even chemistry that I would awe over. Without reading and writing I would never be able to accomplish the understanding that I have today about science; without it I would be in complete ignorance of how evolution and biology worked, or why baking is just palatable chemical reaction, I would have never been able to expand my knowledge outside of what the classroom taught me. I remember when I was still in elementary school all I wanted to learn about was the ocean, but there were no topics of discussion that even narrowly correlated to that subject; I was left
I have acquired many literacy opportunities throughout my literacy life my parents, grandparents, and teachers ,I hold them very close to my heart because if it wasn’t for them pushing and encouraging me to read and write I wouldn’t be the literate person I am today. I bear a huge family so there are always many voices going through my head so it wasn’t long until I started speaking, as well as comprehending what all these strange words meant recognizing the words was very difficult before I started practicing them. My parents always encouraged me to read and write in a way no child can resist with toys and candy who could say no to that. Every chance they got to help me read they would read with me. I wasn’t forced to read on my own because I didn’t know how.
Reading has been one of my favorite hobbies since I was a little child. I grew up as a normal child should grow and eventually I had to start learning for me to fit in society. My literacy started many years ago, after I knew how to talk and communicate with people. Reading my alphabet was quite stressful and I had to be given a hand by my family members. I remember my parents reading with me and it was the most meaningful and memorable way to spend time with me. This is because I liked reading a lot and I was eager to learn so that I could fit in with my older siblings. My favorite books were storybooks taking about adventures and fairytales
I learned about CTE seven years ago when I was home schooled. I was excited that such a school existed! I asked my parents when I could enroll. They answered: “According to CTE, you have to be a high school student or at the age of 16 to attend any of their two year tech programs.” Since that conversation, I continued with my home school education provided by my parents for another three years before they reintegrated me back to public education.
Reading is something that is taught to everyone in their early childhood, the time I learned to read I was very fond of books. I loved to read novels to myself and to read them out loud to my sister. I like reading action, thriller, historical fiction, and mystery. During my early childhood we would have challenges of reading such as wrapped up and reading, golden dragon. These were reading challenges for students to read 20-25 specific grade novels during the school year and at the end you got a party if you read at least 5-10. I used to love reading and at that time I would read at least 20 books because I wanted to go to the party and win something with the lottery tickets I got. My childhood was fulI of reading, even if I read because I was greedy and I read because of the party, it still improved my reading level. As I grew and grew my reading
I’ve never been one to read much outside of school without being assigned to do so. After looking back at my childhood I think I finally understand why. When you’re a student in elementary school teachers want you to be interested in reading and they tell you that it will make you smarter. Their approach to this is to assign you many readings during your early school years, have your parents sign that you actually did it, and make you write book reports about what you read. I remember when I was a kid I absolutely hated some of these exercises and absolutely loved some of these as well. I distinctly remember being in kindergarten and having to read a book to a high school student. The five year old version of me was more than embarrassed when my reading skills were not up to par and I was having to do it in front of a teenage boy. I also remember being in fifth grade and having to read one book every two weeks and write and draw a report on it. I loved this. Probably because for once I got to choose my own books and they were never assigned for me. I thought of it as a
The importance of reading in my life goes all the way back to my childhood. In fact, one of my favorite memories of reading, comes from my childhood. My sister and I loved the book Green Eggs and Ham, by Dr.Seuss; more than that, we loved the funny voice our dad would use when he read it. We would beg him every night to read us that book, and he always did. It was not until years later I realized that he was not as fond of the book as we were. To this day I believe that my love of reading came from those positive experiences as a child, and believe that every parent should take the time to read to their children. As National Education Association employee,