
Personal Narrative: My Love Of Hunting

Satisfactory Essays

I love it. The hiking across large open lands. The excitement when I find the perfect target. The rush of pulling the trigger. The success to walk up to my prize. I love hunting. Many people think hunting is a sport for boys only, but I don’t. Hunting is a super fun way to spend quality time with my dad, and it’s one of the things that makes me special. I love telling my stories of my trips.
My first experience as a huntress was when I was 8 years old. My dad took me out to an exotic hunting lease for my first trophy. I’ll never forget riding in the tour guide’s car up to a group of Mouflon Ram as I began to get a little nervous. The guide helped me get into the seat in the back of his truck and aim my gun. He told me this was a big ram. So

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