
Personal Narrative: My Name

Decent Essays

We are all given a name, a name that we will carry on throughout our life, and that one day we might pass down to our future generations. It is the identity we receive, that nobody can share because our name is a part of us, and we own it. Names not only identify who we are; but they are a reflection of our actions. My name is Nayely, which means love in Zapotec language, an Indian tribe in Mexico, I believe my name is much more beautiful because it has a connection with my Mexican heritage. Living in a Mexican American household, many things are expected of me for example, being at the top of the class and being a good girl who never undermines her parents, and who does as I am expected because I know they want the best for me and my future. I have many aspirations and dreams for the future, that I hope to accomplish them one day. For instance, finishing my Masters in Education and hopefully offering more opportunities to children in need. I will always appreciate my parents …show more content…

This however, doesn’t matter to me, because what I do with my name is what matters to me the most. As a future role model, for my children or students, the exams I fail today or tomorrow can affect them, because it might be information I might not be able to access, after having no knowledge of. I cannot correctly teach them if I am not familiar with it either. As a future educator I hope to inspire my students, to do as they desire, to never give up on their dreams, and that nothing is impossible to achieve. I want my name to represent a woman, who would stand up for others. I want to be seen as a person who had the courage and bravery that nobody else had, the strength to follow dreams and strive forward throughout life in spite of the, setbacks. I am ambitious and I want to be known for more than just being an ordinary person. I want to truly make a difference in someone’s life, and leave behind a somewhat brighter

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