
Personal Narrative: My Overall Experience With Oakwood's Program For Exceptional Families

Decent Essays

My overall experience with Oakwood’s Program for Exceptional Families was really interesting. It took me about an hour and a half to see patients, but it was worth the wait. I met with Dr. Donovan as soon as I walked in. She told me the scheduled patient for one o’clock has missed the last two appointments, for that reason, there is a 50/50 chance she will miss today. The patient did not show up. I sat in the lobby patiently waiting for the next patient. While waiting, I observed my surroundings and tried to listen to some of the conversations the practitioners had. The first was me listening to another practitioner talk to a fellow classmate. She was introducing the case to the student. She said the patient is six years old and that Oakwood …show more content…

It really left me in awe. I could not believe what I was hearing and really felt bad for the family. This eleven year old boy suffers from the worst kind of Cerebral Palsy. He has been hospitalized about eight time in the last two months. He is medically fragile and on top of all that his mom goes through depression. Not only does she have to care for a kid with a severe condition in Cerebral Palsy, she also lost her husband in a war. He was murdered for sympathizing with the opposition. To add more unfortunate in the mother’s life, she was also sexually abused by her nurse who helps take care of her child. Like I said, I was really shocked and very intrigued to meet this patient and his mother. The doctor also told me that the boy has suffered from an arrest at home and in the hospital. She believes it’s because the mother is not giving the boy the right amount of dosage. The language barrier could have played a role, but it’s not for sure. The state is also considering taking him away from the mother due to everything that is going on. There is a lot going on in the case and I could fully understand why the mother suffers from …show more content…

In the room was a nurse who spends ten hours a day with the boy and his mother. There was also a social worker, the practioner, Dr. Donovan and myself. Overall I had a great experience. I did not just sit down and observe, I was a part of the appointment since I played a role in interpreting since I spoke Arabic. Before we went in, the doctor said that she will not give the mother Baclofen because of the side affects her son has been getting. She does not trust the right amount of dosage is being provided. The objective of the meeting was to convince mom to put a device in the boy’s body that helps give him the right amount of Baclofen. The mother has refused this before and the doctor said this is the best for her child. As I interpreted back in forth, the mother was complaining how the child has been suffering without this medication and it is giving her and everyone who cares for him a really hard time. She went on to explain how well Baclofen works for him and she really wants him to be taking it. It took a good half hour of back and forth explanation and questionnaire for the mom to say she wants the surgery. Her biggest concern was this device being a health problem for her son. The doctor told her it will only help him and her. I explained to her that she does not have to worry about giving him medicine anymore, the machine will automatically give it to him. All she has to do is

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