
Personal Narrative: My Participation At Mount Si High School

Satisfactory Essays

Through my participation in Mount Si High School’s scholastics and extracurricular programs, I have become more outgoing, more confident, and a better leader. It began in the classes where there were presentations and group projects. These helped me practice my communication skills as well as my leadership skills. Along with this, I continue to take honors or AP language art classes which also encourages becoming thinkers who look beyond the surface, as well as encouraging opinions, and teaches us how to express these ideas. As for the extracurricular activities, I have joined many clubs that also encourage me to become a better leader. I have been a member of Ceramics Club since my freshman year and am now the president of this club. When I started, I began working to include Ceramics Club in the Homecoming Parade and Rally. We made Homecoming medals/ornaments and sold them at the event. …show more content…

Another club I am a member of is Key Club. I joined this club because it is a club dedicated to community service and I wanted to know what more I could do. In my junior year I became co-captain of Key Club’s Relay for Life team and am continuing as a co-captain this year. I’ve been working with the other captain to plan fundraisers and our events. As of right now, I am planning an event on my own to involve the middle schoolers in Relay for Life. Lastly, I am a member of National Honors Society. This club is also dedicated to community service but also encourages education and leadership. Through all of these clubs and the classes I have taken, I have become more outgoing, confident, and have become more of a

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