“I wonder what will happen today.” I honestly say that at least once a week preparing myself for an eventful day. Growing up in San Francisco, I learn to be prepared. There are so many possibilities and activities I can experience each day. A few memorable experiences are finding my passion for golf, my craving for knowledge, and my participation in various activities.
Six years after I moved to San Francisco. I adopted my father’s favorite sport, golf. Soon, I realized I had a natural talent for it. I excelled and competed in more than 100+tournaments over the years. I realize that I cannot see myself not playing golf. It is a part of my identity. Golf has taught me life values that one cannot learn in class. I learned honesty from golf. Golf is a game of honor. If I make a mistake I must call it on myself. I am not a cheater. I learned humility and respect. Golf requires me to be respectful and courteous of others. Sportsmanship is a value I like to exercise with any competitor I face. Overall, golf is a part of me that will continue as long as I can keep playing it.
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Ignatius College Prep. I crave knowledge, especially subjects I enjoy - math and science. What sparked this interest for knowledge were frequent visits to the Exploratorium in downtown San Francisco. The Exploratorium is a “hands on experience” museum that incorporates experimenting, observing, and interacting with several exhibits that covers several science topics. I remember spending hours when I was thirteen and fourteen trying to learn why certain exhibits reacted or functioned. I never went to play around rather to learn. One exhibit that was captivating was an arch created by non-connecting pieces. It was able to stay together because of its weight distribution and engineering. My desire for knowledge, specifically math and science, will be a possible future I will
I had to be a main part in the biggest stage of the game was very challenging, and hard to overcome, especially caddying for one of the greatest caddy of all time. I was shocked, I usually do not face much stress in my life, but this moment gave me a rush of fear that cannot be explained. I am not a nervous person, I could handle most pressure given to me. On the other hand when I was but in a situation working with pro golfers i felt edgy to the subject.
You will never believe what I am about to tell you! I have been a golfer since I was in third grade. I took my first golf lessons at the age of eight, and then I took more lessons at the age of eleven. I have been golfing with my dad numerous times, which led to my love for the sport and my interest in continuing. Golf is special to me because it gives me the opportunity to gain more skills, have more patience and drive, and spend quality time with my dad.
I believe my involvement in rugby, golf, flute and charity have contributed hugely to both my emotional and my development of skills. Throughout my time playing rugby I developed a huge range of skills. Through my time playing in the forwards and being involved in the scrummage saying to my teammates I'm here with you I'm working is just applicable to a team project I will have to do. Adaptation of a hardworking ethos where resilience and giving my all was paramount. Through my golf playing of golf I have developed a positive, optimistic and enthusiastic I have learnt to be patient and calm in my decision-making. Another key skill learnt from golf is adaptability. Throughout my time golfing I was placed in tricky situations, I learnt how to
Four years ago I would have never expected to be a golf team captain. Due to my variety of hobbies and interests, I like to consider myself a jack of all trades so it was hard to decide on what sports to play in high school. Upon asking my father if he had any recommendations, he told me that if I could learn the fundamentals of golf I would have a tool that could benefit me for a lifetime. I wrote down golf on the dotted registration line and, well, forgot about it.
The one thing I buy regardless of cost is to visit the Masters golf tournament at Augusta, Georgia. The first reason is I enjoy the history. I hear about legends like Arnold Palmer, and Gary Player. I listen to Jack Nicolas’s best round. The second reason is the beautiful scenery. I like seeing the beautiful trees and flowers overlooking the golf course. I like seeing the gorgeous greens. Next, I would want to see the opening tee shot. It’s a tradition for many years. The starters are very famous and they won the Masters many times. Another reason is to see Tiger Woods. I enjoy seeing him because he’s very famous. He has won this tournament five times. His first Masters win was in 1997. Additionally, the tournament is in April. April is when
I’m from the boing of the trampoline and from turning myself up and down, from spinning around to flipping at the same time, to the sound of a cracking backs to fixing them
If I have an opportunity to go back to the time when I started learning golf, I would not have stop playing it. I made a mistake that I decide to give up learning golf. When I was grad three, my parents encouraged me to start golf lessons and started teaching me the basic. They wanted me to learn a sport that we can share the interest and play together. When I just started at the beginning, I enjoyed learning golf as much as for the next lesson. Our family went to driving range quite often to practice golf swing. As my learning processes, my mother thought I had on playing golf. However, I was not able to continue playing golf because our family immigrated to Canada at that time I did not play golf for few years to acclimatize to school life
I believe that golf teaches people life lessons. Golf has life lessons on every tee box, fairway, bunker, green, and hole. Every hole is different golfers must keep their cool in order to perform well consistently. Golfers will have good shots and they have bad shots but like my mom says to me, “Do not let one bad shot affect your entire hole.” Similar to life, golf has ups and downs. In life and golf if the golfer put away what just happened he or she will be back on track to be happy in life or get a good score on the hole. Bobby Jones, a historical golfer said, “Golf is the closest game to the game we call life. You get bad breaks from good shots; you get good breaks from bad shots – but you have to play the ball where it lies.”
The excitement I had for golf then still continues today! Golf has blessed me with numerous friendships and opportunities. I am so glad to have people supporting and encouraging me to continue my collegiate golf experience! The spring season here at Scholastica has started and I am excited to get outdoors soon!
Presumably, there's always some sort of thinking that comes to my mind for doing something for the new. Anxiety flows into my veins and out pops the questions of if I was going to be alright. I thought I wasn’t.
I think I am with the con side, because I think that golf is more of a game than a sport. In my own opinion, I think it’s not a sport because it doesn’t require a specific age or weight. Sport is about moving your body fast and sweating so players can lose weight or build their body muscles. For Golf, it doesn’t require that much of movement. In fact, it is more of a fun game with friends. I would take Soccer as a great example. Because I’m a soccer fan, I know how it works so I will go ahead and explain it. For soccer, players run a lot and winning the match is the motivation for players to do their best in the game and run or play as fast and professional as they can, and that’s how we burn fats and stay in shape. When it comes to Golf, players
As I stood on the 16th tee at The Farm, I thought about all of my surroundings. Most days, I take the beauty around the golf course for granted. On this day, I took a moment to reflect on all the beauty and the effect it has on all of my different senses. I was able to see, hear and feel many different things throughout the golf course.
It just always seemed like something that I had to do. Ever since I was ten years old I’ve been playing, practicing, and talking about golf. I always have had a love for the game, but I never really thought about how stressful and painful it made my life. Even at ten I thought my future had already been planned for me. I was already thinking of life as a professional golfer. I was certain that I would go play golf for a big college, and instant fame would soon follow. It wasn’t until the last couple of years that life has changed for me.
I’ve always loved playing golf and driving golf carts. So in the summer of 2013 I worked at the Max mandel municipal golf course. I worked as a cartboy, greeting, helping all the customers, keeping the golf carts sparkling clean, picking up all the golf balls from the range, filling divots with sand, cleaning the course restrooms, making sure all the carts are charged up, and making sure the carts don’t break. One day during that summer, my co-worker was running very late to our morning shift. Finally he pulled into the parking lot as fast as he possibly could. I had already done a most of his work. But I told him he owed me big time. Later that day we got a call that some of the customers on the golf course needed some extra sand and golf
I just woke up, and was very, very, excited and so was my dad. I was getting dressed into golf clothes. When I was done changing, I went to the living room where my dad was waiting with a coffee and a hot chocolate for me. We watched a bit of the news, there was nothing really going on, so it was kinda boring. The living room was warm and we were on the soft couch. After the news it was 7:30 (am) and we were about to go.