
Personal Narrative: My Personal Story

Decent Essays

My Personal Story I was born on August 22, 1999 in Fort Bragg, North Carolina around midnight. So, the second I seen the outside world; still the hospital room I saw my Grandma, Pappy, Maw-Maw, and papa, and my mom was crying. However, the person missing from the room was my father. My coach was more of a father than anyone in my life. So, my father was in the military deployed in San Antonio, Texas. He put my mother on a plane back to North Carolina so she can be with the family but, little did she know it was the last time he was going to be around after having another kid with my mom. Which was my older brother Kodey. The family was broken after the divorce of my father and my mother. When I was a couple weeks old, my mother got up with my father’s parents to see if they would help raise me as a child. They easily said yes and asked for forgiveness from my father’s behalf. My grandparents were there for me every step I took basically. They bought me food, clothes, and a whole bunch of toys. Whatever I had wanted my grandparents tried their best to make sure I can have it. …show more content…

I’ve played soccer, baseball, football, and basketball. The coach I had was named coach Leon. He always told me “Your mom worked hard for you now you make her proud.” If I didn’t try my hardest he would call me out and make me work 10x harder or until he was tired of watching me. I had a fatal injury in the seventh grade where I had broken my right leg. My coach was there for me always saying, “You got this, you will get better and come back better than ever.” I didn’t believe him for the longest time until the day my mom was called from The Dixie Youth Little League Baseball for me and my older brother to compete to go to the Little League World Series. We made it to the final game and lost by a couple runs. But our coach was there saying, “You guys will get it next

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