
Personal Narrative: My Trip To Central America

Decent Essays

Have you ever traveled and it changed your view on things? Traveling anywhere is a blessing, and it enables a person to experience new cultures, unfamiliar languages and it lets you see the things you usually aren’t used to seeing in your everyday life. My trip to Central America was an experience of a lifetime, and it’s a trip I will never forget. It changed my view on life and everything I take for granted. My vacation was magic within itself; I realized things that I never knew I even had. Seeing the things that I saw were truly riveting. My Grandma and I decided we needed a break from our demanding lives here at home, so we booked a cruise to Central America and Mexico. This would be my first time out of the United States. Her and I couldn’t …show more content…

When I woke I wasn’t even tired; my adrenaline was pumping because I love flying on planes, and it is something I enjoy. I think that flights to the destination are better than the destination itself. We fly to Houston, Texas and arrived around noon, and as soon as I step off the plane I could feel the humidity on my face. Grandma and I head to our shuttle that would take us to the port to board our ship. We ride on the shuttle for about 45 minutes and Grandma and I could see our ship in the distance. Our ship's name is The Carnival Magic. After about an hour waiting to get on our humongous ship, we finally get to board. I adventure around the ship, and about 4 pm all of us set sail on the ‘ocean blue’. Being on something that big was like something I’ve never done before and It took me a few days, but I finally got my sea legs.
After two days of sailing, we arrive in Cozumel, Mexico. As soon as the ship workers tied the ship to the dock I was ready to get off and take my first step on foreign soil. We got off the ship and we had gotten flocked by salespeople, they wanted you to buy everything from pictures to cigars. After getting passed the salespeople we settled on the beach and soaked up the sun the rest of the

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