
Personal Narrative: My Trip To Mexico

Decent Essays

I look back now of how I went to mexico for a vacation. I was fifteen in the spring at the time I went to Mexico. The place in mexico where I went was cozumel island. At first we decided to invite the Lees’ and Litmans’ they decided to come. We also invited the Bozzles’ then they invited the Fyles’ and Reeds’. Also on other family I don’t remember the name of. We were there for a week. In Mexico we had to take a plane, which we would have not had to do if we went to South Carolina. When we got to mexico at the airport we took a taxi to the resort. We got our wristbands and went to put our stuff in the hotel. I went to the pool and maybe had some noahs, which were free. I went swimming in the pool and ocean. The next day we went to a beach

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