
Personal Narrative: My Trip To New Orleans

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I do apologize for the confusion; the picture was just silly (my new shirt says, “Home is where the dog is”). Conformation was auto corrected to confirmation by my phone, November 9th is a Conformation event, located in Decatur, Bob and I are hoping to attend to observe and I am waiting for Diane to respond with the best time for me to call. No, I do not want to get ahead of myself, I have no experience with handling. Wednesday, I contacted the Huntsville Kennel Club to inquire about classes and was invited to observe class tonight. Bonding with ChaCha is most important, I do not want to jeopardize that bond by prematurely rushing into the ring. It is my understanding that professional handlers represent owners and breeders in the vast majority of AKC events consequently, I would not want to look like a fool by being ill prepared. Nonetheless, I may appear overzealous about entering an event, I am not, just excited about the potential of a new Cairn and the possibilities that follow. I look forward to my next conversation with Diane to address any questions or concerns she may have. …show more content…

Gabe and Lilly enjoyed their time as well with their terriers Moe and Curly. Thank-you Lynne for your questions and suggestions, they are always welcome and appreciated!!! This weekend my copy of the Cairn Terrier Grooming Start to Finish arrived, I will continue reading today. Previously, I have taken the nails down with a Dremel (to smooth the nail edges prior to therapy visits), should I not use this tool? Is the dogs gait affected with the use of a Dremel? I do have the Resco brand guillotine clipper as

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