
Personal Narrative: My Vacation To Hawaii

Decent Essays

I jump up dazed and confused. Wondering where and how I got here. I look around, noticing I am in a thick, shadowed jungle. The only thing I can recall from the past was going on a vacation to Hawaii. I sat there in the middle of a jungle naked, sad, and afraid. I stood up and walked around yelling, “Is anyone here.” I heard no response but a monkey climbing high in the trees. This jungle was very shady with tall Mangrove trees overhead. As I kept walking I found a bush filled with berries. I was so thrilled to find something to eat. I reached down and snached one of of the bush. I took it and started chewing it up. It tasted horrendous. It was the worst thing I have ever eaten. I kept on traveling looking for food, water, clothes, and people.

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