
Personal Narrative: My Way To Spencerport High School

Decent Essays

This was it, I was on my way to Spencerport High School for my first Odyssey of the Mind Competition. It was also my first time performing in front of more than twenty people! I felt extremely worried about my first time on stage. I wanted to complain about being worried, but I didn’t want to face that embarrassment. My mom thought I looked nervous, so she tried to comfort me.
“There’s no reason to be nervous. You’ll do great!” she reassured me. I replied, “ I hope you’re right.”
Finally, we arrived at the high school I realized the ride wasn’t the worst part. There were hundreds of people there and I thought it would be impossible to find my friends. Luckily, I received a text from my new friend Ben informing us that he and the coach (his mom) were in the hallway by the gym. When my family arrived there it turned out all my teammates were there. Now it was time to get set up for the two hour long wait before we entered the gym. As we unloaded the two vans full of our props, one of our props broke! Our weasels tail came off! All of us were panicking because the tail would earn us a ton of our points for spinning! We were lucky that our assistant coach prepared for the damage and had brought some tape. After a couple flaws, I wasn’t sure we were ready for this. …show more content…

This was not the long term problem, but it still counts in our final score. I was hoping and hoping that I wouldn’t have to answer the problem. Guess what? I didn’t have to answer the problem! Fortunately, my teammates answered correctly and scored great! So now we have got to wait another long and boring 30 minutes for our long term problem. Ugh! It felt like I was watching paint dry! During the wait, I was explaining to my mom, “an Odyssey long term problem is when you have 8 minutes to solve a difficult problem with a skit!” I had a speaking role and was undoubtedly nervous about fumbling with my

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