
Personal Narrative: Myself As A Writer

Decent Essays

It’s hard to recall a time where I’ve succeeded in creating a somewhat decent paper, mostly because I never wrote much as a high school student. However, last semester, I did write three essays for my Psychology class which resulted in a good grade and very great feedback. I put a lot of time in coming up with personal examples that would interest my professor. As I expected, my professor loved how personal my essays were and how I met the criteria. As a writer, I have a tough time organizing and writing down my thoughts in a way that is understandable to others. That is, I don’t know all the rules when it comes to writing papers, nor the correct way an essay should be formulated. As a writer, I strongly struggle in writing analytical essays because I never had to write many in high school. On the other hand, as a writer, one of my strengths is using transitional words and understanding their meaning. …show more content…

Little did I know that I would check out books from the library but never have time to read any. Although I did not read any books this semester, I did read the summer before school started, and in my winter break. One of the books that I remember reading in the summer was called All About Eva, written by Deidre Berry. The book is about a girl who after graduating from college, decides to leave South Chicago to start a new life in NYC. All she took with her were her life savings of about $800. Soon, she falls in love with a millionaire who turns out to be a con man. He left her stranded on their trip to Switzerland with little money as he hid from the police. Moreover, a recent film that I have seen and really enjoyed was Thor: Ragnarok. This movie was exciting and unpredictable. I loved the characters and their ability to work in teamwork to defeat the evil character of

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