Nancy Long is the worst person I’ve ever met! My grandma’s last name has changed so much (not because of marriage) I don’t know what to call her. Nancy Long, Littlejohn, Dick, or Frye all has been her names for periods in her life. Well, you're probably wondering why she is the worst person in my life, After All she is my grandma. There is a long series of events that will lead up to one big event that has forever changed my life. Nancy’s mom died from Hydrocephalus when she was the age of three years old. Hydrocephalus is when there is fluid on the brain from birth. This left Nancy with her alcoholic father named Larry Long. Larry got remarried to Denise Long when Nancy was around the age of six or seven years old. Denise was very abusive(allegedly)
Couldn't forget about them. Literally. 24/7 watch, 365 days a year. They're dying. They’re both 72, they share a birthday. April 19th of 1945. We all watch them in turns. They both have dementia, and cant talk care of themselves. They’ve basically forgotten everything besides our names. See, they can't tell the twins apart worth anything, but we love them regardless. Granted, they’re too mean to die. Not mean as in an abusive type way, but hateful and witty and sarcastic. They curse more than I do, h**l they still have sex in their 70’s. Grammy has hip problems and doesn't walk the best, poppy has bad shoulders and needs help sitting up by himself. Daley, Arden, and Berkeley all share a room. There’s only four bedrooms in the house, so we have to make do with what we have. My grammy and poppy have the bedroom downstairs so we don't wake them up at night, but I do have a baby monitor set up in my room and their room just in case anything happens. Casey and Cassidy share a room. Teagan and I shared with them until our parents passed, then the boys took over their room, Casey and Cassidy took the boys room, and me and Teagan took Casey and Cassidy's room. Everyone in The Woodlawn Chicago area knowns the Keenan Family name. We’re a force to be reckoned with, but you don't see too awful many white families in this
Andrea Yates was once a loving person to the family and friends. She was a nurse who worked at Houston's M D Anderson Cancer Center for 8 years. She met her husband Rusty, who work for NASA's space-shuttle programmed. They met in college and got married in 1993. Over the next 7 years, she gave birth to five children, and had to give up her job as a nurse to be home for the kids. The family wasn’t very stable, they move around many time and one time they had to live converted bus. Andrea had a father, who suffered from Alzheimer's disease, and was very ill for which she had to take care of him too. Few years later after marriage, she gave birth to the children, and she suffered postpartum illness which lead to her craziness of drowning her
This woman, I call her Big Bertha in my mind, looked at me as though I was the cause of her father's demise and said "Did you put my daddy on the list?" I stammered "The list?" Bertha shouts, "Yeah Nurse, the brain transplant list! We saw it on Oprah!" I was dumfounded, I did not know if she was kidding or if she really thinks a brain transplant is feasible. I raise my head to speak to big Bertha and I know those glaring eyes and flaring nostrils she is serious. I open my mouth to speak when I hear the sweet lovely voice of Mrs. Jones simply say, "Lucille, leave her alone! Get over here and sit down, you know there is no such thing as a brain transplant." The matriach had spoken and suddenly Lucille also known by Big Bertha was not so big and tough after all. Mrs. Jones looks at me with a kind smile and
The point of view in “Run, Sheep, Run” affects how the reader sees the characters because it is in 1st person, so they only can see what Nancy sees. To explain, in this story Nancy takes the oddball character, Mattie, for someone who is very oblivious of things going on around her. For example, there is one part in this story where someone jokingly put Mattie and her crush’s name up on the bulletin board that had the couples going to the dance together. Mattie, being the oblivious character she is portrayed as, thought that it was real. This quote explains what Nancy saw: “But Mattie didn’t understand about joking.
In Power of Myth, Joseph Campbell calls the movie theater “a special temple where the hero has moved into the sphere of being mythologized” (Campbell). Watching the movie Baraka, the audience can connect to Campbell’s description of the didactic nature of movies. According to its co-director Fricke, Baraka was intended to be "a journey of rediscovery that plunges into nature, into history, into the human spirit and finally into the realm of the infinite" (Fricke). It is a visualization of the interconnectedness humans share with the earth. Furthermore, Baraka dives into the didactic elements of archetypes and images that instruct the soul. Although Baraka does not use words, there is a clear message of humans and their world that
I have had many great mentors that have stood out in my life thus far, but I have one lady that really stands out. Her name is Tina; I know her better as Ms. Hicks. She is a kindergarten teacher and Glee Club director at the middle school I attended. I came to know her really well when I joined the Glee Club my sixth grade year. She is so selfless and always puts others before herself. I just began watching her one day and realized that I wanted to be just like her. I began to volunteer in her classroom the last period of the day because I want to be an elementary school teacher as well. I decided why not learn form the best. Throughout the year, I learned so much from her. She taught me that students can learn and have fun while they
I'm a huge fan of Penny Reid, her works are briallian and more than romance stories. Whenever I read her creations, I found myself easily relates to her characters. Penny often taken on topics that aren't usually see in the romance genre. Her writing are witty, sharp and just so damn funny. Penny's work features strong female
Who is Katelyn Ballard? Katelyn is a student, a sister, and most definitely, a pet lover. I am a senior at Franklin County and have lived here since May 30, 1998, which is my birthday. Even though I have lived here seventeen years, I have moved houses six times. I currently live on Tims Ford Lake with my Mom and step dad. I have one older brother, Cody, and two step siblings, Cade and Carly. I have two dogs, Dixie and my favorite, Marley. I enjoy high school, but just like every other senior; I am ready to be done. I plan on entering Motlow’s nursing program then furthering my education at MTSU to become a nurse practitioner. Taking care of people has always been an instinct of mine, so a job in the medical field is ideal for me. I enjoy writing
Politics is in my blood. My grandmother was very active in local politics and instilled that passion in me from a young age. I remember watching the Kerry-Bush debates in 2004, and since then I have been hooked. I do not hold the cynical view that politicians are only involved in politics for their own benefit, and I believe they all are honestly committed to helping the people they serve. One politician who I have been impressed is Elizabeth Warren. She stands up for what she believes in despite criticism and helps people who do not have a voice. If I had to be one person active in politics, I would be Elizabeth Warren.
I am a hard-core liberal and I believe that the first part of the reason why I think I am this way is because of the family I was born into. After my mother and elder uncle were born my grandmother adopted two African-American kids and when I was a kid being introduced to my aunt, uncle, and cousins, all I saw was my family; people who are like me. That view has followed me through life to the point where I don’t see people as different but living things that walk and talk like me and that each of them are unique in their own way. Each of them has their own problems like me.
I had the pleasure of interviewing Ms. Yvonne Dill who attended UIC (University in Chicago) at the age of 16, which she is extremely proud to say. “I loved it because it was close to my home, and although I was close, I was still able to be independent and live on my own. I did graduate from that school in 4 years.” I am also close to home and I enjoy my independence as well. The only difference between she and I is the fact that I did not attend college at age 16. During her first few weeks as a freshman she admits, “I was not nervous, and I felt as if I was where I belonged. I adjusted very easily, and quickly. Three of my cousins (all two years older than me, two of which are twins) also attended the school, which made the transition very
I decided to walk up to the house on the hill, where Nancy stays. I walked up the stairs, holding tightly to the railing as the ground was awful slippery. I finally reached the top and noticed the light from the attic room turn on. When I walked to the door, I noticed it was slightly open. For fear that something might have happened to Nancy, I walked inside. I could hear muffled laughter of a woman from upstairs. The floors creaked as I walked toward the stairs. The lights were dimly lit and every once in a while, they would flicker. "Nancy?" I called out as I placed my foot on the first step. The muffled laughter
One after another she lossed her memory, of knowing material she had just read, and when being introduced to some people she'd forget their names right away I knew it was progressing, and soon enough she forgot me. One thing I value the most and still use to this day is her will power, my grandmother never gave up not once. My aunt would show her photos of all the grandkids to try and have her remember names, at times she’d forget names and she’d get mad at herself and she’d say “Keep going I’ll remember.” Then you’d have a conversation with her, she’d understand you but sometimes would forget what words to use. She’d want to answer but would have trouble getting the words out of her
I have had just arrived out of my plane and entered Guarulhos International Airport. I see posters of Dilma Rousseff's Presidency. I even took a quick glimpse through the corner of my eyes of a Newspaper headline titled “First Female president also First Female Failure .” Even though I couldn’t see the TV screens, I was able to apprehend the anchor mumbling about challenging the credibility of the president after being yesterday. I stopped walking completely when I spaced out. Almost eighty years ago, I was trapped on an island that was supposed to be a place where we were supposed to be having lots of fun and take ourselves. I remembered how they elected me to be their leader. Jack tried to run against me, as if we’re running for the president
It was a Saturday morning kind of the typical Saturday for a 13 year old boy in the late 90’s. Early morning cartoons and no school, but I was on a football team called the Pasadena Ponies, Junior pee wee was the division I was in, and today was game day. I wasn’t a starter at the position I played, but this day I was in luck I was starting. I had no clue what was in store for me, but at the end of this day I felt good about myself.