
Personal Narrative On Algebra

Decent Essays

Its Tuesday and I'm in my last class of the day, Algebra. I usually can't wait for math, but today I can barely look at the numbers without my head hurting. I haven't been able to concentrate on anything all day. But, what does catch my attention is the big red clock. 10 Minutes left until school's out. I sit my finished math to the side. And, I retrieve my keys and my phone. I unlock my phone and see that I have an unopened message from Brendan.
It reads, Where did you park?. It takes me longer than it should to remember where.
Once I remember, I text back, Parking lot by the band room. I lock my phone again and put it back in my bag. I look back at the clock and am interrupted by the bell releasing everyone from their school day. I get …show more content…

It only takes a few minutes to get from the school to his house. But the trip requires we go over the red bridge. I can feel him tense up as we go over. I look over and can still see the scraped up tree where my passenger side hit. We don't say anything to each other. We pretend like the bridge doesn’t exist. But for me the red bridge exists in my ever wandering thoughts.
We arrive at his house and he gathers his things from my car. We both travel upstairs in an exhausted manner. He collapses in the lazy boy and pulls me on his lap.
“I’m so tired” I almost cry, and my voice breaks.
“I know you are. I’m so sorry.” he says in the most sincere way.
I rest my head on his chest and close my eyes. I pray for sleep. My thoughts lull and I enjoy the peace. At least I do until Brendan moves suddenly.
“Sorry, I fell asleep.” he apologizes like its nothing. It takes me a minute to recover. I get off quickly my eyes never leaving his face. I look at him in awe and horror. It seems that the sand man has yet again forgotten to visit me. It's been four days.
I'm already standing,“I should go. You are tired.” Sleep is so easy for some and I forget that. Seeing him sleep almost broke

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