
Personal Narrative On Beer

Decent Essays

I opened the door of the gas station, the bells on the door ringing to announce my entrance. I smiled to myself and picked up a basket from beside the door. My shoes clicked against the tile floor as I manuevered through the different aisles, throwing various food and other items in to the basket. A radio inside the store was playing and I softly hummed along with the songs as I continued my journey through the candy aisle. A weird feeling came over me as I crouched over the box of Twix bars, deciding if I wanted to risk it melting in the car. I stood up and immediately made eye contact with a boy staring at me from the opposite side of the aisle. He smiled at me and gave me a nod but I just rolled my eyes and went back to looking at the Twix bars. The feeling I was still being …show more content…

You don't know anything about me." "You bought enough food and stuff for at least a month. There are two backpacks in your backseat and you tried to buy beer. I doubt you are going to a party." I only stared back at him, too angry to speak. "So, can I come?" "No." "Well, forget the beer then." I closed the car door and stared at the steering wheel, my thumbs tapping in anger and annoyance. I looked through the rear view mirror and saw the boy running his hand through his hair, staring at the beers on my trunk. "I'm going to regret this." I said to myself, preparing myself for what I was about to do. My mind battled against itself as I rolled down the window. "Where are you going?" I called out. His head snapped up and his mouth turned up into a half smile. "Wherever." I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "You can come along. On ONE condition. You don't speak." He nodded in response and walked around to the passenger side as I started the car. He climbed in and tossed his stuff in the back seat. I waited until he was buckled and situated before pulling out of the parking lot and out into the street. "The name is John." "Don't

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