
Personal Narrative: Prejudice And Racism

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I, unconsciously, do and say racist things. It’s not due to the fact that I’m a racist person, it is actually just because of what I was taught, both by my family and society. Everybody gets taught racist ideals, whether it is taught directly or indirectly. I believe we could end racism fairly easily, if we made a seemingly simple change. As a young kid, I observed how my mother would lock the car door when people of color were around, specifically men of color. Watching this made me believe that black men should be feared, and I should always lock my door when they are around. Occasionally, I catch myself locking my car door just as my mother did, even though I’m not afraid of black men. It is subconscious, something that I learned from observing my mother and countless others. This seems to be a universal behavior, as the majority of people do this as well. They might not necessarily be racist, it is just something they have been taught from a young age. Although this act is not blatant racism, it is still prejudice. My father used to tell my brothers and I racist jokes. I repeated those jokes at school to my friends, and they would laugh as well. As a child, I suppose I didn’t entirely understand what the jokes meant, and how much they could hurt people. Nobody ever told me that these jokes were wrong to …show more content…

I realized that I, unintentionally, was being racist. I educated myself on racial oppression, and how although people like to deny it, racism is still very much in existence. During this time of realization, I came across a quote from Rosa Parks that I felt was entirely too accurate. “Racism is still with us. But it is up to us to prepare our children for what they have to meet, and hopefully, we shall overcome.” This quote resonated me, and it made me realize how wrong it was for my parents to teach me these bigoted ideals, whether they intended to or not. The same goes for every

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