After I submitted the last journal, I feel very motivated and I was extremely ready for a more progressive approach towards reducing my risk factor. Surprisingly, I went to a birthday party on Sunday, March 19 at 5 pm. I did not do well at the party because I ate two slices of cake, fried chicken, and cookies as well. I did not count my calories neither did I reduce the amount of sugar consumed. As a result, I felt horrible after leaving the party, and I could not believe that I consumed a large amount macronutrients. Moreover, I need the discipline to maintain a healthy body and to reduce my risk factor. The following Monday to Thursday after the party, I ate a large salad, and an apple every day. I drink plenty of water to hydrate my body
Over my years of school, one big influence on me has always been sports. Ever since a young age, I have always enjoyed playing and watching sports. In my four years in high school, I have fell in love with the sport of lacrosse.
I woke up and took one bite out of my pop tart but that one bite was all I could eat. My legs were shaking, and my heart was pounding. My dad told me, “It is a true honor to even make it this far so go out there and have some fun.” Once I heard this statement, I knew I was ready to go. I arrived at school and boarded the bus. The car ride was an hour and fifteen minutes of hearing the squeaking of the wheel on the bus. My teammates were getting their heads ready for the big game.
High school. The place where your supposed to find yourself, determine who you are and who you want to be. Some people take this opportunity for good and some take it for granted. Those who abuse this opportunity end up broken and lost and they never find their true self’s till they have lost everything they ever thought they had.
The social norm I broke is making too much eye contact, or staring excessively, at my teachers. While sitting in class, I stared at my teachers more than I stared at my paper or looked around the classroom. It is usually normal for students to stare down at their desks and not look at the teacher a lot.
I plan to improve this disposition by having boundaries and limits. It does not matter if the client shares the same cultural beliefs from me, I have a lot of compassion and go an extra mile to help them. I get attach with clients right away because I see a connection with them. I have noticed that clients take advantage of my empathy. I need to work on how to understand my clients but also have limits with them so they will not take advantage of my kindness.
I grew up as one of the hardest things to commit to, black and alternative. My meaning of alternative is being interested in goth fashion and heavy metal music. From what I was told, being black is listening to hip-hop and dressing like everyone else around them or what is the social norm. Clearly, my definition of alterative is contrasting on what it means to be “black.” I say it's hard to commit because coming from a closed black family, I felt pressed to let go of what I felt about myself just to make them happy. Questions like, ‘’Why are you trying so hard to be different?’’ or ‘’Who told you that was okay?’’ Still replay in my head whenever I decide to wear something that I would feel most comfortable in. Not long ago, I got into an arguement
When I work as team, I has communication with other member so, it has several solution that can help to improve my communication to have more professional. The initially topics is meeting management. The beginning of working should planning meeting. Meeting divide into 3 parts are before, during, and after. In the part of before, I should know the purpose and role of meeting. During meeting, if it is face to face meeting, I should know agenda of the meeting and participants their role for easy to communicate about work. After meeting, I should sure that I and other team member understand the information of the meeting because I may discuss with other team member. In addition, after the meeting finish, I should prepare myself for the next meeting.
I was born on September 20th, 1997 on the coast of Virginia Beach. Now living in South Carolina I am 19 years old and living a very healthy and eloquent lifestyle. As I filled out the Real Age questionnaire I encountered many questions that made me think if my diet and health were flawed, while other times it seemed as if I was the pinnacle of health. I found at the end it had me down as a 16-year-old teenager. This three-year difference in what my age and what Real Age had put me down for really opens my eyes about how well of a healthy lifestyle I am living, and motivates me to continue living it to the best of my ability.
“You’re pretty for someone who has dark skin.” I stood there in the middle of my 10th grade English class, stunned. Trying to fathom whether or not to accept it or acknowledge it was a backhanded compliment. I sat there thinking to myself did this other student who shares the same color skin as me, just feel the need to associate my beauty despite my color? This was just one of many times in my life I had encountered phrases like that, but that day in my English class, I realized society had created a social norm that just wasn't going to sit right with me.
After much consideration my husband and I have decided that Michael will not longer be attending The Reason For Hope effective immediately. I welcome the chance to sit down and talk with you should you choose to discuss the situation. It was not easy to arrive at this decision but it has been a long time coming. We have been increasingly more uncomfortable with your program in recent months for the reasons below.
Over the past week, I went into an elevator and stood with my back to the doors as I face everybody. I had the perfect opportunity to test this out when my cousin was in the hospital having her baby. Before completing this task, I felt nervous and shy to violate this social norm. During this task, I felt very uncomfortable and embarrassed, like I was doing something wrong. But after, I thought it was so funny that I was so nervous. I got many different reactions while completing this task. I received many blank stares, confused looks, and many looked like they were going to burst out into laughter. And some people didn’t even make eye contact with me and to say the least, it was an awkward situation. After this experiment was over, I explained
Today, I am no longer in contemplation stage of reducing my risk factor.I am in the preparation stage because I am getting my workout gears ready for exercising. I cannot start exercising until I meet with my doctor because I have a slipped disk in my lumbar region of my spine. After my doctor visit and the exercise that I selected in my previous journal, he will let me know if I am ready to exercise. On the other hand, I am in the action stage with my diet and nutrition. I reduce the amount of sugar and starchy foods from my diet. I am consuming lots of fruits and vegetables as well as white meat. I try very hard to eat three meals each day and drink plenty of water. I really feel better about taking time out to be
“What!” I commented. “What do you mean you're getting married?” I said with my aching heart, after the words of “I’m marrying him.”
In January, my diet proved to be moderately unhealthy. On several counts, I missed the target levels for a person of my gender and age. I took in slightly more calories than the target 1724 per day versus a target of 1600. I also ate more protein (55g versus 46g) and far more carbohydrates (256g versus 130g). My fiber intake was low (10g versus 25g). My saturated fat was 10% of total calories, whereas the target should be lower than 10%. My cholesterol was within the target range, so was one of the few things that I really did not need to change.
I awoke to the smell of coffee, eggs and bacon. It was so bright in the room i couldn't keep my eyes open at first, but after a few blinks I was fine.