
Personal Narrative: Renaissance In Europe

Decent Essays

Eras are what define history. Take, for example, the Renaissance in Europe. Art was flourishing, as well as religion and the economy. It was so important and so influential that mankind was forever changed. People can have their own eras as well- moments in time where they realize they are no longer who they once were. For me, this happened in sixth grade.
I used to love dance class. I was never any good at it- just watch me walk and you’ll notice how clumsy I am- but it was still one of my passions. I had been taking a dance class since kindergarten, and when I moved to Fort Thomas in first grade, it was one of the constants in my life. Every Tuesday, I would pack up my pink dance bag, put on my leotard and tights, and jump into my mom’s car to be taken to practice. Excitement would bubble through me every single time- for a while, at least.
Through elementary school, I was blind to what other people thought of me, both because I didn’t care nor did I care to notice. Something within me change that summer though. I went from a bubbly, smiling girl to someone who was riddled with insecurities. My confidence evaporated as I started to pay more attention …show more content…

I was out of my comfort zone, and it was clear to all my peers as well. They were the vulture, and I was the carcass. People often say that girls are made of sugar, spice, and everything nice, but these girls were toxic. Their words seeped into my skin until I started to believe everything they said about me myself. After all, there were so many others who thought it was true, so it had to be. I had learned about what facts and opinions were, but was failing to apply it to my own life. My classmates said I was ugly, so I was. They said I was bad at everything I did, so I was. I no longer smiled when I headed into dance class, and instead hid my face, hoping their relentless attacks would spare me for just one

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