
Personal Narrative Speech : A Personal Experience In My Life

Decent Essays

On the morning of February 22, 2017, I received news of the most devastating kind: my uncle had just passed away. On my way to school that day, a plethora of emotions overwhelmed me: grief, anxiety, insecurity, the whole spectrum of undesirable emotions. The nervousness and uncertainty I was feeling stemmed from the fact that later that day, I was to stand in front a room full of students and present the first meeting of the club I founded. All the different emotions I was feeling that day consumed me. Needless to say, I had no idea where the day would take me. My immense fear of speaking in front of a crowd more than tripled the knots in my stomach. Finally, the bell rang, signaling the end of school and the beginning of my nightmare. With a deep breath, I stood in front of my peers at the meeting and attempted to brave my fears. When it was all over, slowly but surely, my heart-beat slowed from the hummingbird-like state it had reached at the climax of my stressful day, and my anxiety turned into exhilaration. I survived.

My whole life I have been a very shy person. Even when I have, in the past, attempted to overcome my mild case of my fear of public speaking and mustered up the courage to stand in front of an audience, I was never quite good at public speaking; it has never been my forte. This meeting, however, changed my outlook on my situation. If becoming a successful leader means that I have to make some adjustments in my reserved life, I will take the steps

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