
Personal Narrative-State Golf Tournament

Decent Essays

I have been golfing since I was nine years old. Nothing can beat the smell of freshly cut grass and the burning sensation of a blister on your hand, about to pop. Swinging a club is the best feeling in the world, all of my worries just melt away when I have a club in my hand. Since I was nine, I’ve always wanted to make it to the State Golf Tournament. I want to feel the crisp air and the nervousness that consumes me as I begin to tee off. I want to feel the feeling of a champion, like the bubbling of champagne.
Today, I wake up with a new feeling invading me. I have a thriving passion to help lead my team to another state championship. A wave of excitement hit me as soon as I opened my eyes. It was the most beautiful day, I could …show more content…

They knew who we were. During that moment I knew my teammates and I could do this. I walked to the driving range and began to warm up.
I looked around as I started my walk to the tee box. It was like nothing I have ever seen before. I noticed the fog beginning to dissipate in the distance, the many college coaches looking on sterling for a quest to find a player, and the nervousness settling in my fellow opponents. I sat my bag down and took out Gary (my driver) the nervousness finally went away. Instead of nervousness, determination and confidence consumed me. I could do this. It was like opening the door to my future.
As the day prolonged, from one hole to the next the realization of winning finally hit me. I suddenly was worrying franticly how the rest of the team was doing. I didn't know if they were doing well or not. The what if’s began to come back. What if we lost, what if someone shot a 100, what if’s were all I started to think about. I started to absorb the fact until I realized there was nothing to worry about. I took one look into Gary’s eyes, like a mother looking into her newborn child's eyes, and knew everything is going to be all right even though I was a little scared. I never knew a stuffed animal could have such an emphasize on a person but when I looked in his eyes I knew I couldn’t disappoint

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