Do it gordita, you will love it. I promise. - Those were the words from my father when I questioned why he wanted me to hand out those vibrant birthday pencils each month in the office during elementary school. Till this day, both my parents have always encouraged me to work hard each day, for one day it will all be worth it. Towards the end of 5th Grade, my teacher gave me a packet to give to my parents. I never bothered to give any importance to it, but as the years passed I realized that “packet” was my open door into a marvelous program known as Student U. Stepping into this country with my family, inspired me to be successful not only for myself, but for my parents. Coming to a new country was never easy, especially having to learn my way around in a completely new world. Student U was an experience that began with a middle school program and later transferred into the high school program. Getting into Student U through my parent’s dedication and admiration to see me successful was one of the very first steps towards achievement. …show more content…
Being the independent women she is, she does have her worries as well as mine. Most days I see my father rush home from his work to go to his afternoon part-time job and it makes me wonder what the future holds for them. The fact that my dad has to work two jobs in order to afford our rent has taught me to continue to work hard and never give up. Busy yet humble parents who did not attend college can be challenging at times. With Student U, it gave me the opportunity for someone to guide me along the years. Learning more about applying to college, FAFSA, and most importantly how powerful education can be. It allowed me to meet amazing young, talented teachers who I have created great relationships
During my two last years of high school, i've been in contact with a lot of colleges and universities. Many of which don’t get my attention. Throughout my whole high school years, there was only one college that i wanted to go to, Liberty University. I have heard so many wonderful things about Liberty and what i loved the most was that it was a christian school. Liberty had the number one thing that i am looking for in a college, that is a christian school, but many of my other things that i look for in a college where just not there. I used to live in Florida approximately 11 years ago and let me tell you, it's hard not to miss the sunshine state. Liberty is in Virginia, a state where it doesn't feel like home. When i received a brochure
Alfreda was a first generation college student. She had a difficult academic experience being one of only four African American students majoring in animal science. She used her social life to help her cope with the experience. Alfreda mentioned Zinck 's night which is a campus tradition named after a bar keeper in Ithaca that owned a bar that was a haven for college students. Alfreda found no interest in this event, however, she did participate in Slope day because it was an opportunity for her and her friends to celebrate the last day of school. Instead of participating in the university-wide homecoming, she mentions a separate homecoming sponsored by a Black fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha and the Festival of Black Gospel. She states:
My study at Howard Community College has helped me pick out a major that I know I will love pursuing for the rest of my life. HCC was a great way for me to learn the introductions to pertaining to my major. Although HCC was a considerable start, it had limited programs and resources that could have guided me in the long run.
As my high school years were coming to an end, all anyone could talk about was college. Where they were going, what state they would be a resident in, and what they would major in, what campus they would be visiting that weekend. I, however, thought I had it all under control. I thought that when my Senior year came by it would all fall in to place. That's crazy, right? The shows that I grew up watching did not have to deal with this. That is when expectation went out the window and reality kicked me in the butt. I had five months left to start applying to colleges and looking in to different campuses that offered my dental hygiene program. Lucky for me, my community college had a two year program.
I am a non-traditional student. I began my college matriculation 15 years after receiving my high school diploma. I started my family before focusing on my education and career. I have been fortunate within that 15 year gap to be a stay-at-home mother. When my youngest son began kindergarten, I began college classes. This reversal of traditional education and family construction has given me a unique perspective on life.
2014 Fall Semester in the begining was going pretty good i was excited to began school , adapting to the new college life, and interacting with friends and new people. I was attending all my classes on time , studying , and completing the required assigments that needed to be done. I also was working a full-time at Gensis Logistics it wasnt easy trying to manage my schedule , but i tried to make it work the best i could. MTE 1 , 3 , and SDV was a breeze to me I was completing my assigments , studying , and understanding the information that was given to me. Now on the otherhand ENG wasn't hard for me i just didnt understand the content that was teached by the teacher. English was always the strongest subject for me so i couldnt understand why it was such a problem in college , maybe it was the teacher and her teaching methods. I never understood any information that was given it seemed to me like our class was always off topic one class period we would talk english, and then another class period we would talk about something else besides english. Then she assigned papers and assigments that was unfamilar to me it seem like everytime she assigned the class papers
1. What experience do you like talking about the most? What has been the most interesting, intriguing, and exciting part of your life- why, and what did you learn from it?
Fall of 2016 started off with football games, getting accepted to UA’s New College Life Track program, and I finding out that I was pregnant. Even though my boyfriend John, and I are not married we were still excited and ready for this new chapter in our lives. Living with endometriosis it is very hard if at all possible to get pregnant. We were in shock. Everything was normal with my body and I had been taking my birth control reguraly. There was no thought of being preganent I felt a little strange like something was off but I wasn’t feeling sick. Once I went to the doctor they told me I was six weeks preganent. Again, we were surprised but but happy for this new adventure. A few months passed and we went for an update, by then I was at
they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please
Up above the classroom full of children staring at me, I have to adjust this light fixture. I remember being in class thinking the maintenance people were so obnoxious. I don't remember being that small when I was 17 either. I feel so old now, how strange.
not be freshman. There was just way too many people there. My graduating class was fifty-four so it was and is still a culture shock going to a school this large. Convocation was interesting to say the least. I read Dr. Khayat’s book, but was not especially entertained. My initial thoughts upon hearing about convocation were not thrilling. I went anyway and forced my roommate into going also. Dr. Khayat did not catch my intention right away. I thought he was just some old man that was going to lecture me about behaving for the next hour. Out of nowhere he started the Hotty Toddy chant. That is when he got my attention. After all, if a man of his age and
Over the past eighteen years I have been alive, there have not been any real challenges I have faced in my pursuit of education. I come from a family of immigrants that managed to find themselves a good life, away from the ghetto and the poverty line, through hard work. Both my parents had to move to a place away from everything they knew to learn English as a second language to give their children, myself included, a better chance at life, and I can gladly say their effort was not in vain. If there was one thing I struggled with in pursuit of my education, it would have to be myself.
My Collaborative Colleague, Paige, is a new hire in my department that I have been asked to coach and mentor during the 2017-2018 school year. Since signing her contract last month, she has come into my classroom to observe and we have met several times after school to start preparing for next year. She has three years of experience in another district, but no experience at the seventh grade level, which she will be teaching. Ironically, Paige was a student at our school my first year of teaching, but I did not have her in class. In designing my interview, I took into consideration Knowles’ assumptions about the adult learner. I focused on several questions to build upon her prior experiences, her readiness to learn, and her motivation to learn. These questions should also reveal her self-concept and orientation to learning (
I feel like I might have one or two skills that make me more unique than the average Joe. I grew up in a more unconventional way than I imagine other students did that are in the Engineering school. I learned a lot of life lessons the hard way, because I was a bit of a trouble maker growing up and it really caught up to me, so I feel like I gained some skills by doing that. Also, my whole life I have been really committed to the sport of lacrosse, so much so that I spent the last two years of high school as the team’s captain. I think by doing that I have gained a lot of skills in the category of working with and guiding a team of people.
After the initial stumbling block more commonly known as residential life, I faced the towering challenge of settling into classes. Once I had registered (which was itself something of a dilemma), I had in my hand a sheet of abbreviations that rivaled a military briefing or a computer manual. My first class, on a Thursday morning, was located in a building called CBW, which stood for Classroom Building West. Surely the