
Personal Narrative: Student US

Decent Essays

Do it gordita, you will love it. I promise. - Those were the words from my father when I questioned why he wanted me to hand out those vibrant birthday pencils each month in the office during elementary school. Till this day, both my parents have always encouraged me to work hard each day, for one day it will all be worth it. Towards the end of 5th Grade, my teacher gave me a packet to give to my parents. I never bothered to give any importance to it, but as the years passed I realized that “packet” was my open door into a marvelous program known as Student U. Stepping into this country with my family, inspired me to be successful not only for myself, but for my parents. Coming to a new country was never easy, especially having to learn my way around in a completely new world. Student U was an experience that began with a middle school program and later transferred into the high school program. Getting into Student U through my parent’s dedication and admiration to see me successful was one of the very first steps towards achievement. …show more content…

Being the independent women she is, she does have her worries as well as mine. Most days I see my father rush home from his work to go to his afternoon part-time job and it makes me wonder what the future holds for them. The fact that my dad has to work two jobs in order to afford our rent has taught me to continue to work hard and never give up. Busy yet humble parents who did not attend college can be challenging at times. With Student U, it gave me the opportunity for someone to guide me along the years. Learning more about applying to college, FAFSA, and most importantly how powerful education can be. It allowed me to meet amazing young, talented teachers who I have created great relationships

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