
Personal Narrative: Swimming Pool Pink

Satisfactory Essays

"Paisley Joesetta Edeline Sincliar, you get back here right now!" my mom screamed at me while I continue to run down the hall. I'm in serious trouble I can already tell, but honestly I don't care. I start laughing hysterically realizing I just pulled off the best prank ever. I turned my swimming pool pink. Not that turning my pool pink would be a problem to my parents, they could just get it fixed. But I turned my little sisters pink. Jogging up the stairs, I pass many maids and guards. I find this life restricting. I can never do what I want. I can't go out by myself. I have to have manners and wear dresses. I have to learn to dance. I have to put on makeup and do my hair. And while all of that is perfectly okay for a girl to do, it's …show more content…

I expect my mom will be up soon, but until she comes up I'm going to enjoy my skinny jeans. 'Cause when she comes up it means dresses and scolding about not being princess like. I flop down on my bed. My room is huge and spacious, but I only take up a small part of it. All I have in my room is my bed, which is against a wall in the farthest back corner. Right next to my bed, to where it looks like it is connecting, is a desk. On my desk is a laptop and a lap. I have a bookshelf right next to that filled to the brim with books I have read. Knock, knock, knock. There's my mom. I sigh not really wanting to sit through another …show more content…

So I guess the means no punishment. "Oh and don't think this means no punishment!" my mom screamed from somewhere outside my room. Great. I huff and get up off my bed and walk over to my closet. It's a giant walk in closet with tons and tons of dresses. In the very back is a small collection of skinny jeans and tee shirts. There are shelves on top of the hanging clothes with plenty of high hells on them. And by high hells I mean high hells. Those things literally come from Hell. I grab the first dress I see, which is a silky, lilac gown that flows straight down to the floor. The top part of it looks kind of like a tee shirt. I pull it on quickly, and grab my black pair of converse shoes. That's the only part I like about these dresses. Most of them are long so they hide my shoes. My hair is shorter and flows a little bit underneath my shoulders. I love it shorter, but my mom wants it to be down to my waist. I exit my room and run down the stairs to head to the ballroom. The palace is pretty big with around 100 rooms, a kitchen, an indoor and outdoor pool, many bathrooms, and a ballroom. Our country, Arzea, if a very small island to the west of Africa. We are more up towards the Northern part, so we experience almost the same weather Florida

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