Well since it's a risk, I'll go for it. I will say one thing that no one knows about me. I might appear okay on the outside but on the inside, I'm just an insecure kid trying to find her way in the world. I try to fix other people's problem and most time neglecting my own. Most people think that everything is going smooth for me not knowing that there is a turmoil brewing inside me trying to find a light, seeking for assurance that all is gonna be well. A friend once asked me to tell him more about me. Laughing, I started to talk but nothing came out.
That was when I realize I don't know who I am. I can describe myself, I know what I like and what I don't, I know what I want to be in the future, but deep down I'm just a lost soul still trying
What does a builder, manufacturer, and software company owner all have in common? The ability to work together to gain the experience, insight, and wisdom to help each other obtain success in their individual businesses, all while improving their work-life balance.
Sidney Hook said, “Everyone who remembers his own education remembers teachers, not methods and techniques. The teacher is the heart of the educational system.” Mr. Fitzpatrick an experienced teacher and Mr. Meyer a brand new teacher were both influenced by their teachers to help them realize their passion to teach. Mr. Fitzpatrick was my U.S. History teacher my freshman year of high school and I remembered when he taught anyone could tell how much he loved history and how every year he brings joy to so many students by hosting Disco Daze. Disco Daze allows anyone who participates to go back in time for a little while and truly experience what it was like living in the 70s. It was a truly memorable experience as a student and I still look forward to it as a senior. Mr. Meyer reaches out to students through his coaching. Many athletes look up to him and every time they are around him they are smiling and laughing. It is his first year teaching and he already has students who look up to him as a role model. Comparing the years of experience they have can show the similarities and differences between how they talk about their teaching styles, their inspiration that made them decide to be a teacher, and the memorable experiences they have had as a teacher.
I was born in the 2000’s but I’m a complete 90’s kid. I grew up watching 90’s shows and listening to 90’s rap. I grew up listening to only rappers like Nas, Snoop Dogg, Tupac, Ice Cube, and also the rest of the rappers from N.W.A. I grew up watching people like Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock on tv. Growing up listening to 90’s rap music made me have a big appreciation for the lyrics in a song more than a beat. In 90’s rap the beat is always pretty miniscule and unelaborate. Most of today's rap has terrible or not understandable lyrics and just has a good beat.
My identity can be defined by moments in my life. Moving to Canada, learning English and going to high school are three major moments in my life. Going through these experiences have changed the person in me and made me more confident, stronger, better in everything.
When I introduce myself I will state my name and something they would either know or remember me by. Never would I immediately go into a story on who I am or how I found my identity. That, quite frankly, is a little too much to handle. If they were to get to know me, they would discover many things about just exactly who Kaitlin Wyse is.
Throughout my life, I have pushed myself to be involved in my community which has shaped me into who I am today. Freshman year, I went with a group of kids from my church to a homeless maternal shelter in a downtown suburb. It was Valentine’s Day, and as I walked through those gray halls lined with rooms, void except for a bed, blankets, and a crib, there was a sense of love underlying the visible emptiness. Coming together as one, families were united in the knowledge that sometimes the only way to keep going is to give all of who you are to someone else. As middle schoolers, love for us was quantified by the amount of Valentines cards you got on your desk. However, after seeing clearly through the eyes of women who had experienced its trials,
I fill many roles in my life, including but not limited to, brother, son, friend, and student. I strive to be the best at each of these roles as I can be, but at the same time remain true to my character. On my snowman, I have drawn images such as a basketball, a globe, and a taco. These are just a few things that I feel describe who I am. I am always doing my best to be who I am and not who others want me to see. As Shia Labeouf once said, “Your life is your life. Know it while you have it. You are marvelous.” Despite yelling things such as “Just do it!” in a similar video, Mr. Labeouf still manages to get a strong point across. I try to live by these principles, and know my life while I have it, and whenever I am feeling self-conscious, remember
A WLAN is a network that helps to attach two or more devices using wireless techniques like spread spectrum. It access in limited area like schools, colleges, organizations, offices, and computers labs etc. This helps the clients to access even while roaming near about that area and still they remain connected with network.
One... Two... Three... Four... Five... I take a deep breath. It's the only thing I can do to keep myself from screaming. I'm looking at one of my co-drum majors, and he's staring at me with his eyebrows raised. A freshman waits to the side of us, hands on her hips as she waits for us to get our lives together. When I told her she needed to safety pin her shirt together to adhere to the dress code, he had loudly professed that I was just being overdramatic and she didn't really need to listen to me. I pulled him aside, and our argument continued in a similar fashion. Fast forward five minutes, and I eventually told her she could go but needed to wear a more appropriate to the next night's band practice. He had won, but he didn't understand
In this essay, I will be talking about some of my characteristics and answering the question of who am I?
One question I ask myself every once in awhile is, “What makes me... me?”. The first things that come to mind when I think of myself is a hard working, dedicated individual who has an inquisitiveness for sports, technology, and helping others. The root for these self interests is my active personality. As a child, I was always occupied; from playing with a ball to messing up something in my mother's bathroom. I never liked sitting down or watching as much as going outside and hanging with my friends. These actions just carried over into my teenage life and matured over to make myself who I am today.
When i was looking at my transcript and remembering the courses and the teachers, i found out that my transcript say a lot about who i am. It mainly reflects how i think.
When I was young, I was naive, and also pretty arrogant, as was everyone I presume. But, on the other hand, I also had two sides to define me: the first was this quiet, curious, and almost peculiar being who was engaged and would absorb everything (quite literally too.) The other being this reckless, yet selfless child who cared about others well-being more than his own. For as long as I can remember, I've always been this way. Good or bad, that's me.
My identities are complicated and hard to explain so the best way I can do at this point is do kind of a free form of the two and then explain them the best way I possibly can. My first identity would be the blue collar professional one (Mr. Coverdale). he is well-spoken, poised, well-mannered, and knowledgeable. The second identity (Henry). He would be the short tempered, disrespectful, and just do not care about anyone or anything but himself and takes no bull from anyone. They get along more than they disagree with each other helping each other out in a way that things get done in the right way, but they do bump head from time to time. The situation in which that happens has to be the most challenging and conflicting. sometimes one is entirely
What makes up an identity? Your friends, family, and culture can all play parts into your identity, but how can you show your identity to someone who isn’t you? By presenting the different sides of you, of course. My project illustrates the amused, serious, playful, and loving parts of me in different areas and situations. I had pictures of me with my friends, family, and some of. It displays my identity in multiple different fashions and therefore deserves an A.