They raced through the tunnels, frantically looking over their shoulders in fear. In the dim glow of my lights against the inky night, my eyes rapidly scanned left to right, left to right. My eyes widened as a thundering noise sounded from the depths of the underground passage. Someone had found them. I turned the page. Ever since I started walking to the Cupertino Library every day after school in 1st grade, I’ve perpetually had my nose in a book. Whenever I start one, I can’t go to sleep until it’s finished – inevitably, I’ve had many 3 AM-nights. In 7th grade, I pored over the 706-page “The Complete Sherlock Holmes Volume 1” for 18 hours straight, pausing only for food and bathroom breaks; since then, The Adventure of the Speckled Band
Page one. I read the words all the words and to my surprise it wasn’t too bad. So, I flipped right ahead to page two and I was so engaged and loving it even more. I couldn’t put this book down for even a second, so when it was time for dinner, I sat at the table and snuck not my phone, but my book. It was extremely fascinating that's why. I couldn’t let go until Bud stuck the pencil right up his nose, I threw the book right under because I couldn’t handle the imagination while eating. I felt queasy and uncomfortable, so I asked to be excused and sprinted up the stairs tumbled, and then got right up and sprinted down the hall and slid right into the carpet. This marked the day i pulled my first all nighter. I finished the book. I finished the whole entire
In the story, “The Adventure of the Speckled Band”, Sherlock Holmes kills Dr. Roylott. The author of this story is Conan Doyle. I believe Sherlock Holmes is not guilty of Dr. Roylott’s death. There are three reasons why Sherlock Holmes is not guilty. He was hired to protect Helen Stoner. Also, Sherlock Holmes had to protect himself from the swamp adder. There was also no way for Sherlock Holmes to have predicted that Dr. Roylott was going to get bitten by the snake.
CityHunterluv thanks so much for the support and the feedback I appreciate it! If anyone else would like to add or say something Im open to that as well! Thank you readers.
When I was in seventh grade, I joined the school band. I thought about what instrument I should play, and decided to play the clarinet. I started playing in school and discovered that I had a slight talent for it.
I backed against the wall and tried to stay quiet. Loud thumps shook the ground. "Alister, what is down here that could be that big?" Light boomed in my direction. I squinted my eyes from how bright it was. When the flash died down I opened my eyes to a roaring path of burning flesh. Shadows of skulls and torn bodies danced the walls. The thumps grew closer. "I guess I'm about to find
I finally began to feel human again Tuesday Night. Saturday morning, I woke up symptomatic of a migraine, i.e. aura signals such as blind spots from optic nerve pinching, numbing of my tongue and phalanges, and intermittent but moderate pain. I spent the day preparing for our exam in PSYC622-WHV, but unfortunately, Saturday evening, it progressed into a full-blown migraine with severe pain, nausea, motion sickness, and hypersensitivity to light and sound. Once my symptoms became disabling, my husband put me on bed-rest and stated he would email my professors. The pain was so severe that I did not sleep through Saturday night, through Sunday, when we went to the emergency room. They treated me for dehydration and pain. The
“I want you to try it.” My dad said. He paused, then he continued” you never read and you aren't doing very well in literacy, so i need you to read”.But i didn’t want to, so i ran, ipod in hand, right up the steps to my room. I laid my bed and just looked at the ceiling... After a little bit I looked at my alarm clock and it said 11:30 in the morning on a saturday! I was going to waste my whole saturday in my room, waiting for my dad to come and talk to me about boring reading. I sighed the longest i ever have and layed back down.
In my earliest memories, I recall my parents reading me different stories such as Goodnight Moon and The Moral Compass. They encouraged me to read even before I began school. When I finally started school, I was an advanced reader, and I have been one ever since. Even though I was an advanced reader, my teachers would force me to read short, boring books that did not give me what I craved: adventure. The mundane books I was assigned to read caused me to resent reading for a while, but in third grade, I came across a series that quenched my thirst for adventure and challenged me as a reader. J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series taught me to love reading and learning.
Becoming part of the band family my freshman year changed my perspective of life. Discipline, sociability, and early morning practices had became my daily routine. Being a member of band showed me that to be successful, work and time were to be put in. Not only did my instructor, Mrs.Meyer help me grow to learn that the best parts in life will be difficult. But that you will find yourself within time. I struggled with giving up when i thought situations were difficult. Yet it changed when I experienced my teacher helping me overcome fear. To this day, Now being a leader I thank my teacher for sharing her passion for helping us students realize that in life, we have to strive for our succession that will benefit us at the end. We all want to
I lazily hopped onto my bike for a ride to the nearest convenience store, though it was the afternoon I had just gotten up. Biking into the small forest near my house I set off towards the 7/11 near the highway. I don't spend summer as normal people do. For me it mostly consists of video games, painting, and sleeping while normal girls my age are going to Starbucks, the mall and whatnot. I stay home with virtual people on my X-box in all the comfort of my basement. At the moment I was stocking up on my junk food supply for a game match in Halo with my guy friends on X-box Live. After a quick stop to purchase all I'd need, I turned my bike around and headed back. I stopped suddenly, spotting a symbol drawn on the sidewalk along the edge of the
Unmistakable recollections of books wind their way into my brain. Adventures and characters with which I once found great comfort urge me to pick up a new novel. Titles flash across my eyes calling me to reach for them. In the haste of the moment, I grasp a fraying hardcover off the shelf. Running my fingers across the surface of the cover, I feel the slight ridges of protruding letters. I peel back the hard cover to reveal a synopsis of what this particular story entails. With impatience and excitement, I devour the summary. In an instant I know that I have found the one--my soon to be next escape from the hectic world I call my life. Book in hand, I turn toward the leather chairs, seemingly waiting for me at the end of the row of shelves. Without taking my eyes away from the novel, I begin my descent into the withered pages. The peace that comes with the words told on the yellowing pages fills my heart. A smile full of pure joy stretches across my face as I’m whisked away, yet again, into another
Have you ever tried being part of a 30% minority with “special conditions”, while the rest of the world are completely normal? It’s not fun being a living, walking flower shop. I usually look like a cat coughing up hairballs, except I’m hacking up petals. As of now, I have a permanent flower crown of pale pink peonies growing on my head, blue hydrangeas blooming within my lungs, and a rose growing out of my right eye. I’m surprised my parents didn’t name me after a weed, instead they named me Rue, Rue Hadley.
Since childhood, I have been enamored with reading. This passion comes from my mother who advocates literacy to my siblings and me. Elementary school teachers regularly admonished me for hiding a novel behind a textbook, or in my lap, and sneaking glances whenever possible. When school dismissed, my nose would be buried inside a book, and I read anything I could get my hands on: my brother’s books, my mom’s Women’s Day magazines, and even the backs of cereal boxes. Snuggled up in blankets, I grabbed the latest Magic Treehouse and plunged into magical worlds for countless hours. Every summer break, I checked out numerous paperbacks for my library’s Reading Program.
When I was a child, my parents always pushed me to move further in my learning. One of the ways they enforced that on me was to get me to read for at least thirty minutes to an hour every day. This may not seem like much now, but back then, I definitely had strong feelings about it. During elementary school, my parents would always take me and my siblings to the local library, and even though there were times when I wasn’t interested in reading and would count the minutes go by, I thank my parents for that reading experience. Though now that I have fit myself in a focus on mathematics and science, I still enjoy reading from my list of favorite genres that I’ve developed throughout my educational career. I never exactly thought in depth before that I had a specific preference for when it comes to reading, though as I look over to my bookshelf filled with my favorite books, I can now see the different books I have grown up with.
In the year 2001, there was a kid named Chris Pewtersmith who lived in LA California. In 2001 the lottery was now legal for children 14 and up. Chris tried to win the lottery after his first ticket, he won $l5,000,000,000,000,000. His first thought was to buy a mansion for his and his family to live in instead of that tiny home fit for three. He had a mom, a dad, and a big sister. One night while Chris was eating dinner with his family, the doorbell rang. Chris opened the door to find that a tall man named Stewie. “Hello, is this the Pewtersmiths?” asked Stewie. “Yes, this is the Pewtersmiths.” “Hello chris I’m your big brother.” said Stewie Chris invited Stewie for dinner with his family. They talked for awhile and then after they were done eating, they showed Stewie to the guest room. In the morning, Stewie was the first person up. Chris was the second, mom third, dad fourth, sister fifth. Chris’s big sister name was Megan or just Meg. Stewie yelled “Breakfast!” “Yeah!” everyone yelled. They had Pancakes, sausage, and scrambled eggs. They had OJ and milk for their beverage. After that, they went swimming in their pool. At dinner Stewie announced that he had some big news. He said “ I’m have some good news, I’m Chris’s long lost brother.” How cool is that!” Their jaws drop so far to the ground that I swear that they shook the hollywood sign. They said “Well isn’t that good news, right honey?” said mom with sarcastic confusion. “Um Stewie, why don’t you go swim in the