
Personal Narrative: The City Of Visalia

Decent Essays

The city of Visalia is so plain. There is fast food, a mall, also homeless people, alcoholics, and drug addicts. I recently went on a trip to Idaho and saw everything, but nothing. What I mean is that I saw amazing views and met awesome people, but I didn't see kids smoking, homeless people who are to lazy to get a job, I didn't see trash everywhere, and fast food restaurants everywhere. The closest thing I saw to fast food was subway. Hopefully one day I get to move there. Anyways I'm Leesa, I'm 5’7, also I'm 55, with a fun attitude. A reason I hate it here is because of the community, nobody even talks to one another or cares about each other. I was strolling down Gibson Street on a cloudy day when I noticed a sign that said, “Community Garden Open For All”. It was gated off by a fence and I peeked through a little open crack and saw so many plants and people! I was amazed on how many people came together to grow plants. …show more content…

They said, “Welcome! This is the garden of Gibson Street! We don't have an official name yet.” I giggled, “Thanks, I'm Leesa by the way, nice to meet you! They smiled, “I’m Katy, my plot of vegetables are over there, help yourself to them! I smiled back, “I'm gonna grow blackberries, help yourself when they are done growing!” We both went our separate ways as I walked to the store to get some seeds and other tools. I grabbed a shovel, blackberry seeds, a criss cross fence, fertilizer, bug killer, and a water bucket. “30.96$ is your total,” the clerk said, “what is all this gardening stuff for?” I cleared my throat and said, “I’m planting some food at the Gibson Street Garden! ever heard of

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