
Personal Narrative: The Classroom

Decent Essays

A shot of excitement washed over me like a wave washing onto sand, as I stepped into my fourth hour of the day for the first time. Stopping in the doorway, my eyes took in the small space that was in front of me; the long wooden desks with bright orange, metal chairs resting at their sides, to the small black bookshelf that was covering the back wall. In between was the long black table protruding from the left wall and dated couches with floral print in the back. As I finally stepped into the classroom, I saw the teacher. She was an older woman with short, boyish style gray hair, she had a plump frame and was a little bit taller than my 5’5 frame. On the bridge of her nose rested a small pair of circular glasses. “Hello class, I’m Ms. Naz,” her voice boomed. I scrambled to take my seat that was, thankfully, near the front. Scanning the classroom once more I hoped that I would find some of my friends. Seeing a girl who was in my second hour class, I made a mental note to try and talk to her later; beside her, I couldn’t find any of my newly made friends. I’m just going to love this class, a sarcastic voice in the back of my head exclaimed. …show more content…

Until, it was work time. We were assigned to work on one of those beginning of the year projects that teachers used at open house. As I was working, I needed help. Instead of opting to ask Ms. Naz I chose to ask a girl I was sitting by. She had short, blond hair that cut off at her shoulders and a petite frame. “Hi, I’m Sia,” I announced as I walked up to her, “Can you help me with this?” That was how I made one of my first friends in fourth hour. She introduced me to some of her friends, and we all started talking. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after

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