
Personal Narrative: The Cult Of Religion

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Religion never crept its way into my life like it has for others, i was never indoctrinated into the cult of religion not out of my own choice but because of the choice of my mother and father. Even though children have the freedom of choice to not believe in a deity it can be more difficult than putting a giraffe through the eye of a needle to not accept religion when your parents are so religious and they ram it down your throat until you can't breath anymore and promise the idea of you burning in hell as a threat even though pascal's wager is ridiculous and illogical but it still makes it so hard to not accept god not even out of fear of “god” but from the very real punishment of your parents.I however was given a choice and my parents never …show more content…

It was the idea that their was no other explanation for how this voluminous-sophisticated-amazing world and the universe came to be out of chance and time that their had to be some higher being sculpting everything and carving the path of every person. Trust me i understand it is a way more fun idea and it's an exciting thing to believe i mean it's a whole lot more fun to think that when we die and Poof! We are in some palace in the sky were we will be reunited with our fallen friends and family, but i've never been able to fall for an idea that has to ground to stand on except for the belief of others, just because a lot of people think something happened like jesus and god does not mean that it happened be the black sheep in the pasture because the black sheep at least has a reason to believe what he does instead of fear and the words of others that has no base in science.
When i first realized that i had a strong belief in science i was young, probably about 11 or 12 when i first began putting together things about how the world worked and i was never taught creationism i was never taught to fear a god, i was never taught my morals through a book or anything in that spectrum so it was easy for me to just accept things that i understood as facts like micro and macro evolution with very little internal conflict

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