
Personal Narrative: The Spirit Church

Decent Essays

Pastor Ed, it was so wonderful to meet you and your team. I was sitting down today to write a thank you note to the Connect Team for your wonderful hospitality and love. I have been telling everyone about the amazing ministry that Gateway has that ministers to the Body of Christ and Churches. We are now discussing ways to implement some of the things that we heard. I spoke with Pastor Aeneas about some the things we can implement quickly, like weekly meeting with key leaders, establishing a pray team for him and his family, and rotating volunteers so that they can get a break. We have a lot to accomplish, and as you know it is sometimes a challenge for The Spirit Church. I did not get to meet Pastor Gabriel; I mentioned to Helena …show more content…

If there are any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to write or call. Current weekend attendance - Adults 300 Youth & Children 50 Number of services - One per week 9:00-10:30. The first Tuesday night of each month there is a night service where we take Communion as a Church family. Number of staff – there is only one full time staff member and that is the church administrator. We are in the hiring process for another person to take that position. The ministry has outgrown the skills of the current administrator, she will be given other duties and put in another positon. The other team members are part-time, and hold full time secular jobs. The majority of the staff are volunteers. In my opinion this is one of the weak points of the ministry. We are expecting a volunteer staff to accomplish what a full time staff accomplishes at other ministries. They do a great job, but I am concerned that this will lead to burnout. We are treating volunteers like staff members and we do not know how to differentiate the two. Health of the Ministry - I would call is somewhat poor. The lack of direction has created an atmosphere of

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