
Personal Narrative: The Foothills Trail

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The last glimpses of the dark blue truck which my mother was driving in disappeared behind the trees, and we realized that we were truly on our own. My dad, older sister, and myself began our journey along the most difficult part of the Foothills Trail. This was our first backpacking trip, and I had a feeling that we were vastly unprepared for the task which was at hand. On the trail side was a sign which read: “Table Rock State Park-14.0 Miles”. We trekked along the narrow path, which was in many parts still densely covered in leaves from the past fall. Although it was mid-spring, the trees were still bare and we still wore our sweaters. The trail was steep and winding, and there was not much to see except a vast expanse of forest. It …show more content…

Turning to my dad, I asked, “Can we stay here a while? The breeze is so refreshing.” “No,” he replied, “Sassafras Mountain is probably near, perhaps just a bit farther.” Grudgingly, we heaved our packs back onto our backs and continued on. The flat land of the ridge was a delight for our tired legs. Following the clearing of trees was a sign which read, “Sassafras Mountain-0.1 Miles.” That small portion of the many miles we trekked was the most difficult. My muscles screamed, my forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and every step felt like I was carrying the weight of the world. Finally, we reached the top of the mountain. The sight was staggering. I had a clear, picturesque view of the gray-blue mountains. The noon sun shone above us with feathery clouds accompanying it. We stood tall and proud of the challenge which we had conquered. After taking a moment to recuperate, we descended the peak by following a wide gravel trail to a paved road. On the side of the road was the continuing portion of the Foothills Trail which led to Table Rock State Park. On the trail side was a sign which read: “Table Rock State Park- 10.0 Miles.” All of our effort and toil for hours on end had only taken us four miles. It seemed as if that day would never

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