
Descriptive Essay About State Park

Decent Essays

“Brook! You will never guess what I saw at the state park in Arkansas with my family.” “I want to hear all about it, walk me through it step by step and don’t leave any detail out.”
“OK, I will start with the drive to the park.”
The road is secluded, trees encompass you as you drive. The GPS directs that it is only a few more miles, but in your mind, you know you need to turn around. Then the trees open up to a little wooden cabin just off the road. After 6 hours in the vehicle, you bust open the door, and as your legs swing out the door, you can feel a stretch throughout your entire body. Your body was stiff but now is surrounded by the fresh air. The little cabin is actually a camp store, and in it you find the assistance and the map needed to tackle the upcoming adventure. The road winds a few more miles till you near the lodge. Buckled down with water, a camera, and wearing the proper shoes you walk toward the trail. Something catches your eye, and with a turn of your head, there it is. The lodge overlooks the most incredible view, one that could only have been created by God. The lookout reveals mountains of trees with an unforeseeable future. After admiring the beauty, the trail calls your name. It starts out wide and covered with gravel, without a moment to think the terrain changes. You start to walk down the mountain, the gravel turned to dirt and with the help from the dew and rain it was mud, and the mountain grew a little steeper with every breath. Later, you

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